Discussion specifically about gynaecological topics
Total: 1325

Sex life and Gyno

Ladies, do you talk about your sex life with yo…

Breast exam questions

When you go to the doctor, do your nipples get …

Gynecological exam questionnaire

Hi everyone! I would like to propose a small su…

How are virgins examined by the gyno?

Hi! I was wondering: it's true that sometimes f…

How old were you when you had first Rectovaginal exam?

So to all you ladies out there. I have a seriou…
10 Replies
I was 19
2 days ago

Japanese gyno chair in action

A recent topic, about Japanese automated gyneco…
6 Replies
6 days ago

Have you seen your own cervix?

How many were asked if they wanted to see their…

LADIES - Frog leg position

Has anyone been asked to assume the frog legs p…
129 Replies

Painful Procedures (real or not)

What's the most painful gyn procedure you've ha…

Women's experience with play exams

I would love to hear yall's Play exams stories.…

Ladies, do you prefer to be in a gown for a play exam?

Ladies, for a play exam, do you prefer to be in…

Gyn exam without stirups

I went with my wife for her GYN exam today. It …

Awkward small talk during exam

One of my favorite things in the exam room is r…

Medfet becomes cuckold

Ive noticed watching my wife get examined has b…

Ladies - Do you like the Feeling of the External Exam?

Any other ladies love the feeling of the initia…

Why does gyn excite men so much ?

Why does gyn excite men so much ? I'd like to h…

Mom and first exam

Did any of your moms go with you to your first …

Medical checkup routine

How would your childhood/adolescent checkups pl…

Do Virgins get the ultrasound wand through the anus?

Completely out of curiosity. but how do virgins…

Japanese gynecological chair

A question for the ladies: How would you feel i…

Gloves for breast exam?

Has anyone had a breast exam, or any other medi…

The thoughts from both sides (play doc and patient)

What are you (play patients and doctors) most i…

Pain Management for Gyn Procedures

I’ve found this an interesting topic - and an i…

Breast Self-examination

Ladies, do you examine your breasts yourself or…

Type of Stirrup Preference

Hello Doctors and Patients! Just wondering... w…

What's hot about speculums?

As someone with a pussy, I totally get the appe…

First Breast Self Exam Experience

1. How did you feel? 2. How old were you? 3 Di…

The bulbocavernosus reflex Anyone had this done

Has anyone had this procedure done ? This must …

How did the men here discover all about pelvic exams.

Having done a search there is a thread for how …

Clenching during a rectal exam

Have you ever clenched during a rectal exam and…

Warning for Rectal Exams

I had a girlfriend once who said that her OBGYN…

Erection during wife's examination

For those who usually are in the examination ro…

Which FEMALE zity member would you wish to examine?

Just curious and do not wish to offend anyone b…

Thong or panties when going for annual exam?

I always wear panties, usually bikini, when dre…

Male doctors are better than female in breast exams

I found this article and find it interesting an…

Ladies how do you react to a rectal exam

When receiving a rectal exam how do you react? …

Has any of you women had a rectal exam along with your annual pelvic exam

I’ve had a pelvic exam but I don’t think my Dr …

Anyone Else Have Mom With Them?

Just curious how many of us had mom in the room…

Stirrups - How do they make you feel?

Girls how did it feel the first time you was na…

LADIES: Standing exam

Women have you ever had an examination or inspe…
6 Replies

First time you had to take off your bra for the doctor

How old and how developed were you the first ti…

Real videos - Pelvic Physiotherapy


Ladies: describe your ultimate exam scenario

What I would like to know: * What turns you on …

Plastic vs Metal Speculum

Would love to hear everybody's experience with …

The view in the exam room.

Guys, when you go with your partner to her exam…

Pads or pantyliner after exam

Do you need a pad or pantyliner after your exam…

Has anyone had a transvaginal ultrasound that was not for pregnancy exam?

Has anyone taken a transvaginal ultrasound that…

Are women barefoot for military gyno exams?

I wonder, how it is during medical examination …

Partner's presence at examinations

My girlfried recently asked her doctor if i cou…

Diaphragm fitting video.

This is interesting - https://obgynmorningroun…

Checking vagina depth video.

Have fun!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeBN…
12 Replies

Gullible patient taken advantage of by sketchy doctor

My most detailed/intense fantasy is a semi-real…