Same here. The first exam is almost always weird and somewhat embarrassing, since everything is new an unfamiliar (you can talk to as many people as you want about their experience or try to read up on what exactly is happening during the exam, but the real thing is something different entirely). I'm not saying there aren't any exams which are way more embarrassing or even unpleasant than the first one, but if you are not sexually active and in addition kinda shy and then you have to talk about your period, problems with your period, contraception and then to top it all off, you have to undress for the exam, showing your “private bits“ to a complete stranger (okay he or she is a doctor, but still …) that puts the first exam pretty high on that list in my book.
But to be honest, in the end it wasn't as bad as I had imagined it the days before the exam, and it was good to know that I wasn't alone with my problems.
Yes, @AnnaLena you make some really good points and I completely agree. They are so similar to my thoughts and feelings too.
That first gyn exam is completely new and unfamiliar, so weird and really awkward, and the embarrassment more than anything I had felt previously.
Exactly, no matter who you talk to and all the advice they have to share, plus what you read up on prior to going, nothing really prepares you for the reality of it, how it is going to be and feel exactly, and how it all makes you feel undergoing the examination.
Yes not being sexually active at your first exam makes it that much more awkward, both from the physical sensation side as well as the emotional side. The physical feeling of the penetration of an instrument and fingers is foreign. And also emotionally, having to talk about all these female things like periods, discharge, contraception and if sexually active, all things that are not everyday occurrence and you aren't used to. It can be rather personal and I know I was blushing while being asked and answering all the detailed questions.
And yes while he or she is a doctor, there is still the fact that they are "a stranger" whom you literally met for the first time just minutes before when they walked into the exam room and introduced himself / herself. And now here you are, discussing such personal matters and then having your most private anatomy be intimately and thoroughly examined.
Yep, that first exam was embarrassing for sure. But I also agree that in the end, it wasn't as horrible as I had imagined it to be and worried about. Although I still hated it at first, I was also glad to get help with my issues.