Ive had something similar but not to the extent of her being fully nude.
I saw my exgf from a while ago, get a pre-employment physical from an old male doc. At this time I wasnt aware of my kink, but this is what got me.
It was in the winter so she wore jeans, and layers under her hoodie. She was like 20 y/o at the time, blonde hair, fair skin, thin. When he got to the point where he needed to listen to her heart/lungs, he sternly asked her to remove her hoodie, and two shirts under. Leaving her only in the flimsy tank top she had under, with no bra under, so her breasts were hangin a bit and nipples showed through the shirt. He had her lay down and lifted the shirt up to her breasts and listened to her heart, lungs, he then had her unbutton her jeans, left the shirt up!! with her breasts still showing, then put the steth on her abdomen, then began prodding her abdomen slowly, sides, lower and lower. I could tell she was nervous from the goosebumps her skin had. He finished up and had her get dressed. She wasnt fully nude because its usually not a thing for some pre-emp exams here, but just how he had her layed out on the table, breasts exposed, abdomen exaposed, jeans undone. It was a changing experience for me.
I find having my partner embarrassed in a medical setting highly erotic. This is the experience that probably kicked it all off.
This happened in the late seventies when my wife and I had had just come back from a beach vacation and were visiting my parents in the UK. My wife started to suffer from abdomen pains and bleeding and my mother said she could contact her GP (family doctor). The doctor said he would see her that day and we should visit his surgery.
After a short wait we were ushered into the doctor’s office, which consisted of a desk with two chairs in front, a sink, various glass cabinets containing medical paraphernalia and an examination table. The doctor was an Indian gentleman in his forties. After a few questions, the doctor asked that my wife remove her clothes and sit on the examination table.
For some perspective, my wife was 25 years old at the time with long auburn hair, a slim 34-24-35 body and olive skin which was darkly tanned after our holiday. From Spain, her English was rudimentary at the time and I needed to translate the doctor’s questions and instructions.
I told her she needed to remove her clothes and she looked at me questioningly. I asked the doctor who said that due to nature of the problem he needed to do a complete examination and my wife should remove all her clothes. There was no screen nor gown so my wife after removing her shoes took off her t-shirt and jeans, which the doctor said she could just leave on the chair. As the doctor busied himself cleaning his hands and preparing some items, my wife with the look of a deer caught in headlights first removed her bra revealing two firm white orbs contrasting her tanned body then slipped-off her panties revealing two more white orbs of her buttocks contrasting her tanned legs. She quickly covered herself as best she could and went and sat on the examination table.
I was numb at the time having my newish wife naked in front of another man but also captivated by her body and especially the contrast of the very white breasts and buttocks against her darkly tanned body, so did not notice whether or not the doctor was watching my wife undress. There was no assistant or nurse present, just the doctor my wife and myself.
The doctor came over and after taking her temperature and blood pressure did an examination of her breasts, mainly checking for soreness or discharge. He then asked her to lay back on the table and proceeded to palpitate her lower abdomen. Before our holiday, my wife had done a “bikini wax” so her labia were bare and pubic hair reduced to a thin landing strip. I, not knowing what to do with myself, had retreated to a corner but could still see her external genitalia clearly exposed as the doctor prodded and poked around her pubic area.
He then asked her to lay on her side and to bend her upper leg up to her chest. In this way her buttocks parted and anus and partially open vagina were clearly visible. The doctor with ungloved hands spread her further apart and did a visual examination before getting an item from a cabinet. This was an instrument resembling an open-ended curved cone, which he proceeded to insert into her vagina, then looked closely using a penlight while moving the instrument around. After what seemed an eternity, the doctor removed the instrument and told my wife she could dress.
The conclusion was that my wife had probably experienced a miscarriage and that if the bleeding continued she should consult a gynaecologist. She later did but that is a different story. This was not the only time she was naked in a doctor’s office.
Anybody have any similar experiences?