Total: 844

Colonoscopy and Sedation

I've never had a colonoscopy yet, But I know I …

Medications and Fetish interests

Hi all - I would love to (virtually) hear every…

Airport strip search

Not the right place maybe but has anyone been s…

Your first prostate massage

Whether it was done by yourself, by a playmate …
98 Replies

Why do you have a medical fetish?

My medical fetish comes from the feeling of wan…

Naked situations

I'd like to know from other members all situati…

Your current Blood Pressure

Well we have one for rectal temps, so whats you…

How and Why did your Medical Fetish start ?

I'm currently lying in a hospital bed, in a roo…

Patient Monitoring

Do many play patients find being monitored (EKG…

Airline Travel With Equipment

Has anyone traveled on an airline with their 'm…


Is there anyone out there who is into EKG?

Turned on by (groin) incision scars

As my handle suggests, I find incisional scars …

How long ago the medical fetish appeared?

I'm curious how long ago the medical fetish app…

Pubic hair shaved by opposite sex nurse?

Hello everyone, Im interested in hearing your e…

Masturbating behind the testicles anyone?

Has anyone masturbated by holding the cock betw…

When did you enter puberty?

Just wondering when everyone started puberty, a…

Foreskin stretching back

Anyone here interested in or have done any seve…

Where is the younger generation of medfetters? 20s-30 max?

Most of everyone on this site is 40-70+. No off…

Tied up with a Venus 2000 milking machine?

Hi, I'm Marten 22 from Bakersfield, I'm new her…

Is this a douche device?


Ladies tell your Labor & Delivery story: shaved and given enemas

This is meant for the Medical Fetish Board and …

Any Foot Fetishists into Med-Fet?

Has any female patient had there toenails check…

Seen Naked by a Parent in your Teens or Twenties

Have any of you been seen naked by your parents…

Monitoring equipment

Anyone else enjoy been connected to monitoring …


I've been on here a while and not really sure w…

What's your favorite laxative?

Other than an enema, what would be your favorit…

Unexpected Fingerings that were Penetrating

Has anyone here ever experienced and unexpected…

Inguinal canal play

I’m curious if any other men have tried this pr…

Would any of you let Plesythmography be done to you?

So apparently, this is a thing.…

Why is the the thought of having a exam is so appealing?

OK what is it about the thought of haveing a ex…

Scrotal Ultrasound

Has anyone ever had a scrotal ultrasound?

A Bit Confused... Medfet and orgasms

I'm a newbie here so forgive me if I say someth…

Nurse taking my underwear away

I was in the emergency room one time a long tim…

Tales from the Procto Room

Before colonoscopy, before flex sigs , patients…

How undressed are you in your play or fantasies?

Do you prefer to be full naked (immediately)? …

Vasectomy Anesthesia

Are vasectomies performed under anesthesia anyw…

Early marriage treatment for painful intercourse

When I was first married, my husband and I had …

Poison Ivy

I an just getting over my most recent case of p…

Restrained in a real medical setting

Curious has anyone ever been restrained in a re…

Surgical Fetish

Anybody in the surgical fetish? #Surgical_Fetish

Does anyone else enjoy anesthesia scenes?

I really like watching videos of people being p…

Portable enema/rectal catheter ?

That may be kinda wierd, but I do love wearing …

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss

I’m going through a weight loss journey of my o…

Play exam: Doctors what do you think about estim?

I love play exam and usually at the end of the …

Mckesson latex exam gloves

I'm using mckesson nitrile gloves to assemble f…

How to find a MedFet partner?

What's the best way to find a MedFet partner?


What stories do you have about ultrasounds? The…

Casting and orthopedics

Wondering if anyone else was into casting...or …

Armpit Hair and Locker rooms

Mostly for males but really anyone, Did you com…

Elective/Preventative Tonsillectomy

Would a surgeon perform a tonsillectomy to prev…

Was I violated during surgery?

Someone I knew from a previous work experience …