The website that was once has been lost to us for some time.
On January 16, 2006, their server was lost to the internet, its contents gone forever.
Or close to it. For years after that, the internet archive site, provided us with a time machine that allowed us to see into the contents of the lost site.
Some time later, that archive was blocked to the public due to the configuration of a file placed by the placeholder server that is currently assigned the domain name. When that happened, we lost access to all of, as the only remaining archive of its contents had been erased.
Or so I thought.
Today, during an idle sweep, I discovered that the offending file had been removed from the new host, and thus access to those archives has been restored. However, we cannot expect that access to remain.
So here is my proposal:
Let us, the users of erotic clinic, and the consumers of the material, set out to save it while we can. Here is how we should do this. The stories on were organize numerically into pages. Story one was on page 1, story 201 on page two, etc. There are 22 pages. Let's take these stories out of the archive and give them a new home. We might be able to host them here. If not, I will lead the effort to host a server containing them. We might also be able to regain the domain name...we can talk about that at a later time.
So here's how you can help:
Those of us who wish to participate in the project, each take a page. Start with page one. Post here that you are taking a page, so that we don't double cover. Go through the page, and download each story. Save them in seperate text files (.txt files, produced by notedpad), called "####_Name.txt". So story one, which is called "A Visit to the Clinic" would be saved in a file called "0001_A Visit to the Clinic.txt" (four digit numbers please).
For stories which have been removed, save an empty text file to that location called "####_Removed".
To save a page, simply load it, hit Control+A (select all), Control+C (copy), then go to notepad (a new notepad document), and hit Control+V (paste). Then save it.
For now, just keep all the text files. In the next few days, I will setup an email address so you can email me the files, and then we can go about making use of them.
Hopefully we can save this wonderful site, and prevent it from falling into oblivion!
The latest archive is the Jan 13, 2006 one, and it can be found here:
Thanks for the help all!