My post from on the same subject:
As a law student and educated person, I will not take the time to explain my opinion on homeland security, terrorism, neo-McCarthyism, and any other isms we currently deal with because, frankly, I will get upset and I am on this forum to have fun. We can some up the airport ordeal with...the world is full of asshats, and many of them work in airports.
Anyway, my wife and I never leave home without some sort of medical gear, usually an enema kit with various catheters, nozzles, butt toys, rope, lube, and so on. Knock on wood that we have never been bugged about our gear, especially when traveling internationally.
I am shocked at how they seem to investigate people that are clearly not going to take down the plane and who they let through security because my wife and I planned on somebody in airport security having a problem with our medical gear, and we had a back up plan in the works just in case...but nothing. They didn't even ask about the plethora of rope.
That said, we were going to LA one time, and they searched everything of ours because they said there was a lighter in our bags. While I don't normally smoke, and make a note to not take lighters on airplanes, sure enough, there was a lighter hidden in the inside pocket of one of my suit jackets that hadn't been worn in years. It took them forever to find it, and had I wanted to use it, would have taken me a long time to find and extract from my luggage. Funniest of all though, while they got their precious (yet oh so dangerous) lighter, they failed to get the quarter-ounce of weed and pipe we had in the same bags as the lighter. Go figure. We laughed all the way to LA.
Those people are clown shoes and civil rights violators, and they don't make me feel safe about flying.