Years ago I travelled in my job two or three days a week, generally by car. Sex at home was nothing special so I learned to really enjoy my nights alone in hotels on the road. I had become very anal erotic and by two in the afternoon while winding down my day and heading to the hotel my mind would be churning as to what I might do once alone. I knew every adult bookstore in my territory and usually I would stop at one and pick up a nice plug or dildo for my evening's entertainment.
On one particular occasion, no naughty stores were around, and I knew that I would be craving something inside me later on so I stopped at the town's local Krogers. Over the years I had experimented with candles, broomsticks and the other "usual suspects" but never anything organic. I probably spent an hour wandering up and down the aisles going over in my head the merits and disadvantages of all sorts of vegetables, and also processed meats. I finally settled on a nice firm but pliable Polska Kielbasa [sp?] that was maybe seven or eight inches long and a little more than an inch in diameter. I knew that I also needed lube, so I really became nervous anticipating checkout!
I managed to get in the express lane with my two items and was greeted by an attractive but matronly lady checker who asked with a smile "were you able to find everything you need?" I am sure my face was red as a beet as I said yes, thanked her, and rushed out of the store! As my embarrassment waned my libido took over and by the time I had driven the remaining few blocks to the hotel I was getting so excited that I was almost shaking. I stuffed my purchases into my overnight bag and checked in without further incident.
Once in my room, I disrobed in a matter of seconds pulled back the sheets and stretched out to further examine my purchase. At this point this sausage was probably the biggest thing I had ever attempted to insert into my butt but it was spongy enough that I thought it would work okay. I needed not worry - my excitement made me more than ready for it. I spread a hotel towel down on the bed beneath me, lubed my anus and rectum with gob of KY, and grabbed my new toy.
At that point I remembered that I had a rubber in my shaving kit, and thought that I should cover the raw meat with it. I rolled it on and added more KY, now ready, I lifted and spread my legs and pushed the sausage against my hole which was opening up in anticipation. It slipped in quickly and I gasped at the sensation. To that point I had never felt anything so good back there! It turned into a very quick masturbation session but one I will never forget!