Discussion medical examination in general
Total: 2583

Standing naked in front of a draft board

So there's lots of military exam stories here. …
17 Replies

Abdominal Examination

Just want to hear about abdominal exam experien…

Pediatric Genital exam: Touch or Visual exam?

When you used to get your genitals checked at t…

Rectal examination in the presence of a parent

During my childhood and teenage years, I was ex…

Upcoming Exam

I've got my annual exam scheduled from work com…

Doctor Male or Female ?

Do you prefer being examined by male or female …

Genital Surgeries

I had two genital surgical procedures and they …

Ungloved exam

I recently saw a female urologist and was very …

Ever been subjected to an anoscope?

Anyone have any stories to tell about a real li…

Ceiling or doctor, which one do you look?

What does everyone look at when doctor is exami…
61 Replies

Have any med students listen to you with a stethoscope?

Tell about how it was? Were you auscultate by m…

Physical exam with father present?

I am curious as to whether anyone had, in their…

Dermatologist... Full body skin exam

The first time I had a full body skin check was…

Men: Did you wear underpants at Pediatric exam?

I was wondering if I could ask a few people wit…

Semen sample & genital measurement for development studies/issues

Did any of you guys ever have to provide a seme…

Asked about sexual habits and sexual preference.

Would love to hear about what doctors have aske…

Men Are You Shaved, Trimmed or Bushy?

I know that a large percentage of the ladies he…

Does anyone else like having their reflexes tested?

Does anyone else like having their reflexes tes…

Anybody have a visit with unexpected undressing?

By which I mean, has anybody gone into a visit …

Gloves or No Gloves for MALE Genital Examination

Men---When you are receiving a genital exam dur…

Play exam: Doctors what do you think about estim?

I love play exam and usually at the end of the …

Arm or leg broken experiences

Hey guys , i never broke something before . I’m…

Who finds having to give a urine sample extremely embarrassing?

Who here finds having to give a urine sample ex…

Have you ever had a surprise rectal examination?

Have you ever had surprise rectal inspections d…

Prostate Exam proposition

So basically my wife wants to make a deal with …

Male patient coughing....heard from the next room

Maybe you were nearby in a waiting area. Maybe…

Guys, would you be a teaching patient for genital, rectal exams?

@DJHunny posted a question about if we would ag…

As a teen who was in the room to watch you undress?

I was just wondering about folks experiences wh…

First visit to a urologist- ONLY WOMEN

Hey there. Please skip this topic if you are a …
3 Replies
Yes go ahead
6 days ago

2010-2024 physical exam experiences?

I feel like physical exams have changed a lot s…

Pediatrician visit.....

I'm a male and when i was younger i used to lik…

Group Physical versus Exam with a Parent, most likely a mom, Present

Having experienced both during my youth, it is …

What do you do with your clothes?

A relatively simple question. When you need to …

Has anyone been examined by a parent?

I've been wanting to ask this, but wasn't sure …

Has a doctor ever examined your perineum?

Has a doctor ever examine your perineum? Did th…

Farting during rectal exam

Anyone ever farted while getting examined?

Favorite Stethoscope placement on your body ?

Favorite Stethoscope placement on your body ?
64 Replies

How Old at First Prostate Exam

Hey guys! How old were you for you first prosta…

Rectal exams lying prone?

I got rectal exams at my pediatritian laying fl…

Windows in exam rooms

Does your doctor's office have windows in the e…

Upcoming Appointment/Play Exam

Greetings from Shygirl here! Hope you all are w…

Alternate ending to a medical or dental exam

Have you ever been to the doctor or dentist for…

Ejaculation during exam?

Have any of you guys ever accidentally ejaculat…

Peyronie’s Disease Examination

Has anyone had an examination for Peyronie’s Di…

Doctors, patients, where did you play?

Where did you have or give in-person play exams…

Medical examinations for school and university

I had to get a number of medical examinations d…

Breast Cysts

Do any of your wives have cystic breasts. I not…

First Rectal Exam - Positions

I was experiencing some rectal bleeding at arou…

Female chest x-rays

Am I the only one who loves to see female chest…

Your ideas for my medical play for two weeks.

Hello everyone. I haven't been active here muc…

Employment Physical

Has anyone had to undergo an embarrassing medic…

Cardiology exam of women during orgasm

Did you examine a women during an orgasm, while…

Strip Search and Nude Interrogations

Not medical related, but does anyone else here …