Discussion specifically about gynaecological topics
Total: 1283

Your preference for a female group examination

This is a topic for females only, although I th…

Who prefers male gynecologists and why?

Ladies generally prefer male doctors ( base on …

Favorite part of a Woman's body

I love all aspects of a woman. I consider mysel…

Vaginal Depth Measurment

I've seen in a few fake gyno movies a depth mea…

Speculum without KY

Has anyone had a Dr. Use a speculum without any…

How did the men here discover all about pelvic exams.

Having done a search there is a thread for how …

Curtains in exam room?

I'm just finishing up my realistic exam room, a…

First time you experienced a speculum

Ladies, How old were you the first time a docto…

Any patients have to be escorted into the exam room

Have any of you ever had to be escorted into th…

Scans making examination redundant

Very disappointed that GP no longer ever examin…

Enjoys gyno exams

We’ve all heard stories about women who hate go…

Biggest change to gyn exams over the years

To women who've had many gyn exams over the yea…

Unpleasant remarks by gynecologists

A friend of mine had bad experiences with femal…

Ovarian torsion

Is anyone familiar with ovarian torsion ? Have…

Annual Exam with Mammogram

It was time again for my annual exam and since …

Joint Exams?

My girlfriend is in grad school. Her two siste…

What to wear for Doctors appointment

Would girls be conscious of wearing short skirt…

Question about breast exam

I have seen many breast exam videos over the ye…

Gyno tells you to "take a deep breath"

Ladies...! I've heard from a few sources that t…

Unintentionally urinate due to pain

I used to work hospital in decade ago , I think…

Ladies: relaxing behaviour of your practicioner?

Question for the girls and ladies of course: As…

Pelvic not performed since hymen intact

Has anyone gone for a Gyno exam and did not get…

Vaccinations as part of gyno exams

I was wondering how many of you females receive…

5 Things Your Gynecologist Can Tell From A Basic Exam


Teens breast examined by pediatrian

Do young teen girls get their breasts examined …

Women, what are you thinking about when waiting for your exam?

As you drive to your gynecological exam or wait…

Gyno vs. GP Exam

For women who go to for physical exams from the…

Tie gown or leave it undone?

Ladies,when you change into the gown for your (…

Nudity in the OB/GYN examination

Is it necessary to make your patients complete …

Do most young women get annual medical exams and why?

As a young woman I often wonder if most of us g…

Military entry Gyno

When I went into the military (US), we were tak…

How to enjoy the moment placing a IUD

Tomorrow I have to go to my gyno to have an IUD…

Way of learning intimate examination for medical students

I read this article, it's instructive at least,…

Docs expression when gown is lowered

Ladies,Ive had girlfriends in the past that hav…

Real Examines Are No Fun For Me.

All real examines are no fun for me. I get nerv…

Question re: how lube is applied for Pelvic and Rectovaginal exams

Ladies, when the lubricant is applied for eithe…

Clothing removed by the doctor

Have you ever had any of your clothing removed …

Feel embarrassed during gynecologic axam

Hello, Do you feel embarrassed and nervous when…

Ladies, do you prefer to be in a gown for a play exam?

Ladies, for a play exam, do you prefer to be in…

Seated breast exam?

How many women have actually had the seated por…

Nipples pinching

Have any of you got her nipples to be pinch by …

LADIES: When the doctor first touches you..

Does it make you jump a little when the doctor …

What's on the ceiling for you to look at during your exam?

What do they have on the ceiling for you to loo…

Thoughts during Pelvic Exam

Ladies what are you thinking about during your …

Worst part of your gyno exam

I'm sure this has been asked before - but what …
114 Replies
The end of it!
2 years ago

Doctor made mistake when withdrawing speculum?

Ladies, Have you ever felt the doctor did not w…

Going to exam with a friend/sister?

Girls, have any of you ever scheduled an exam w…

For the ladies

Ladies, how old were you when you first realisi…

Do you enjoy exam table paper under you?

Does the sight, sound & feel of exam table pape…

Mom and first exam

Did any of your moms go with you to your first …

Ob/gyn words to help settle nerves

I attempted to search on this site for this que…