Discussion medical examination in general
Total: 2705

Dermatologist... Full body skin exam

The first time I had a full body skin check was…

Having a female chaperone in the room for a physical exam on a guy

I have a female PCP. I have had this happen a…

Erection in front of a female doctor

How would a female doctor usually respond if yo…

Cardiology exam of women during orgasm

Did you examine a women during an orgasm, while…

Male genital exam

Guys, When it's that time in the exam, does th…

First time to be completely naked for a physical

People have definitely posted a lot about being…

Embarrassed Naked Female psychology

Some thoughts about Embarrassed Naked Females ,…

Awkward small talk during exam

One of my favorite things in the exam room is r…

First Rectal Exam - Positions

I was experiencing some rectal bleeding at arou…

When were you completely naked at doctors office ?

Hi everyone ! At what age were you undressed co…

Doctor Male or Female ?

Do you prefer being examined by male or female …

Seen naked at a hospital or clinic by non-medical personel

Have you ever been seen naked or partially nake…

Were you shy when you first started growing armpit hair

I remember when I first started growing armpit …

Friends Discussing Exams

Has anyone been around when friends may just st…

Hated Part of the Exam

There is a topic "Favorite Part of the Exam", w…

Naked situations

I'd like to know from other members all situati…

Testicular volume?

I was wondering how many of you experienced the…

Have you ever been auscultated completely naked?

What happend? Was it a home visit? At the gener…

At your last physical who told you to undress?

At your last physical, how were you told to und…

Undressing completely from the beginning?

Some folks here, have already posted that they …

Seeing someone get a rectal exam

I know the question about seeing someone examin…

Guys; How would you feel with a MALE NURSE?

There was a question about how men felt about b…

Have a medical student examine you?

Is it anyone with a great memory of a medical s…

Possible Crossover between Real and Play Exams

One of the scenarios I think about that might c…

Exam for hemorrhoids

What will the doctor do/ check if i bring up a …

Full Physical-No Gown

Has anyone ever gotten a full physical wit no g…

What makes you so excited to be examined in roleplay?

For those who prefer to be on the receiving end…

Role play examination. Male or female play doctor?

Do straight male play patients have a preferenc…

Inpatient Bed Sore Check

I recently had to be admitted as an inpatient t…

Farting during rectal exam

Before and during a rectal exam I am often worr…

Age during first rectal exam

How old where you when you recieved your first …

MN Doctor Needed

Does anyone know a good play doctor located in …

How many of you have been shaved before an operation?

I would be interested to know which of you have…

Underwear Pulled Down Versus Completely Off

Is there a difference in how vulnerable you fee…

What part of a PLAY exam do you enjoy most?

During a play exam, what part do you enjoy most…

Is a boy ever too old to have his mom sit in?

Moms like to sit in on their children's exams. …

Medical checkup routine

How would your childhood/adolescent checkups pl…

Ladies Does your doctor do an external exam without an internal too?

Ladies, what was the last time you were given a…

Female Pediatric Exam Memories

I’m curious how other women were examined by th…

Letting out audible moans

Anyone flinch or let out audible moans from rec…

Has anyone been examined by a parent?

I've been wanting to ask this, but wasn't sure …

Bare chest policy at pediatrician

How was the policy of undressing for auscultati…

Anxiety Waiting For The Doc

One thing that always gets me for my annual phy…

Gowns: To tie or not to tie!

I'm curious to know how many people tie their g…

Nurse in the room

Have you ever been examined with a nurse in the…

Comfort Level with Nudity at Examinations

I'm not sure what changed about me over time, b…

How Old Is Too Old For The Pediatrician

There have been several interesting articles ab…

Doctor pulling foreskin down to expose the head.

I love the feeling of the doctor pulling the fo…

Masturbation after well visit

Did anyone else, back when they were discoverin…

What do you wear to get weighed?

What do you wear when you are weight for a phys…

Thoughts during abdominal exam

What thoughts run through your head when you ar…