Different situations, different opinions., Many places, many people, a mixture of cultures, a billion of characters, countless combinations. Everything starts innocent and harmless, but develops in unexpected directions.
For example. 1. The husband remains late on the computer to watch the news, when the wife goes away, he continues to watch the pictures, then follows the porn movie, then he satisfied himself, and came to bed without any desire. 2. The husband goes out to watch a match - game, he get used going outside and not telling the wife where he is going out. The 101 match will not be soccer, will be with a beautiful woman playing with his two balls. 3. A husband stays up late at night on the net, and find a soul mate, Then he began frequently to go on a business trip ...
There are a hundred ways to avoid coming into this situation. If you're a woman who thinks for herself, and knows that the situation makes the opportunity. Then someone knows, and somebody does not know how to control it. My opinion is FLR, never leave the husband alone, require a constant sex at your wishes and command, put him in a chastity device. It's a psychological fantasy game that will bring your marriage to a new level. There are other possibilities, everything is up to you...
One could easily switch the sex of the characters in your post.
While my husband and I switch on a regular basis, everyone who knows us knows I am very domineering despite the fact that my husband and I are pretty evenly matched in most situations, especially when we don't agree. I don't always get my way with him and we both know when to pick our battles. He is a hard negotiator in business and gives me a good run for the money in daily life debates. He and I don't spend every living moment together either, in fact after being out of town for the last six days, after dinner he went to his music room without me to sit and listen--alone--he needed that. There is no talking when he is listening. We both relaxed in different rooms and when he is done listening we will go to bed. There are many nights that he goes in alone for hours before coming to bed, but he always satisfies me and I always know where he is--in his listening room. Even if he were to masturbate there, I wouldn't care because he enjoys it and he doesn't deny me my sexual pleasures. He's way too involved with what he is doing to go on the internet and watch porno movies, let alone have the interest or time to seek out other women. I am not naive (I am a cynic) and I totally trust him when he is out on business. As far as "constant sex at my command" is concerned, we are often in the middle of doing things at home when one of us looks at the other and gestures to have sex. 90% of the time, we do it--any time of the day.
People have different ways of keeping harmony and their sex lives active and interesting. A FLR isn't the only way to protect the viability of the relationship or to keep the man interested. Trying to keep such tight control on a forceful man will usually cause the relationship to end. While I hate cliches, I will use one here: If you love someone, set them free. If they return they are yours, if the don't they never were.