HC, I have to be 100 percent totally honest with you here. Gender reassignment surgery, thoughts of doing it, the steps and reasons behind someone wanting to do that and anything and everything that has to do with this whether it be a man or a woman just really fascinates me. I am not sure why it does either. Maybe it's because I am very happy in my own skin and happy being a woman?
Not to be condescending here but I just don't understand how one comes to that decision. It is beyond my ability to understand it psychologically speaking. While I want people to be happy in their own skin and with themselves, because someone has the feelings that have to be so overwhelming to them somewhat saddens me, a lot actually. I think for people like me, like most of us the thoughts of changing genders because you are not happy with what you are has to be confusing and something that is in the forefront of their mind every waking second, and probably in their dreams too.
Before a few years ago I only knew of one person that was out and open about this sort of thing and that was Sonny Bono and Cher's daughter who has become a man. I am not sure what all he has done as far as gender reassignment but he was somewhat open about his journey and why he went down that path. My thoughts for him, well, I honestly didn't give it much thought really. I probably was just of the mindset of "well whatever floats his boat I guess" sort of mentality. But it wasn't until one of my biggest childhood hero's Bruce Jenner decided to come forward with the same thing basically.
I have talked about Bruce more than a few times on here. He was a man's man, and American hero to an entire country, and he had everything that most people would assume would make them happy in life. But, while he had everything, he was not happy, not satisfied, and he lived a life, albeit surrounded by fame, fortune, and tons of family and friends, he was alone inside himself. We have all been there at some point in our lives, surrounded by tons of friends and family, yet we feel totally alone. For most of us it's a feeling that passes pretty quickly, but for people like Bruce it's a feeling that never goes away until they make the ultimate decision to change themselves from the inner core out.
I just can't even imagine. And I am very glad that I don't have to.