If I may slip in a point that's gone unmentioned so far...
Of course going to an unlicencend "dom" for castration is insanely risky and not to be condoned. However, the CONCEPT of wanting to be a eunuch is hardly 'bizarre', or even particularly uncommon.
It is also quite removed from typical feminization/transgender desires. The wish to be sexless or androgynous or simply a eunuch is a desire/kink/fetish/insert-your-own-appropriate-word-here all on it's own.
Those of us interested in being who we are (men or otherwise), but without our testicles, are often driven to such 'backyard mechanics' as the original poster mentioned because UNLIKE true Transgenders, there are virtually zero doctors willing to do such an operation on us; they think us insane or even more distressing to us, 'uncommitted transgenders'. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know successful Male to Eunuch trans-people who seem still to be 'normal' men but are now happy that they got the surgery.
I don't expect folks to understand what I'm saying, of course. The concept is bizarre to most, but we are many. There is a very good, long-established (over a decade) website for those interested in castration, managed by a fantastic, educated group of people with thousands of members and a very active forum; PM me for the site if you wish. Note, however, this is not a "how-to" site. It's for discussion about the pros and cons of castration and life-stories of those who have achieved it.