I use a mooncup and love it, much more comfortable than tampons and don't get the cramps from the dioxin in tampons and pads. Also great for menstral play, as partner can drink from it 😉
I use a diva cup and love it, but keep an OB or two in my purse just in case. I've used pads after the birth of my two children, but otherwise hate pads.
Always pads. I tried tampons early on, but found them really difficult because of my disability. I very quickly gave up on them and have used pads ever since. Pads can be tricky too, but not nearly as hard as tampons.
Usually pads, although I'm hoping getting some of my "issues" under control now will mean I can start using tampons more!
Pads for me. I never could really grasp the tampon thing even as a teen. Although this cup thing sounds interesting...
Dave59, you are a little out of touch with the feminine world. The cup has been around for decades at least. It has never been very popular but women who use it love it. It is simple and easy to use once the woman has learned the basic manual dexterity. There is nothing to throw away or flush; nothing to hide in a paper bag in the trash, no plastic tube to plug the plumbing of the house or office and no residual odor for a healthy woman.
During my periods I use both a tampon and a pad because sometimes I bleed heavy and don't want to make a mess, I have never had someone else or a doctor change my pads or tampons, I'd prefer to do that myself
During my period I normally use tampons with a panty liner. But if I anticipate not using the ladies room, like at work, then I will use both a tampon and a pad for backup. My guy sometimes gets turned-on by changing me so I let him do it if he wants.
My wife uses tampons. When we met she often used pads but these are messier (it's possible to play sexually on the outside with a woman that has a tampon in, but with pads, the smell is not so good...).Now she's with an IUD that removes menstruation totally and I found that very comfortable for the both of us.
I've always used tampons because I think it's just cleaner not to be wearing a bloody pad all day. I had a little trouble early on because I had a tough hymen with a small opening. I used narrow tampons until I lost my virginity, then of course I didn't have the problem with the small fit.
I have a question: I have the impression that females from older generations (now 45, 50 or more) often started using pads/napkins and only later, perhaps after losing their virginity, moved to tampons. Is this the case?
I don't have to worry about wearing either a pad or tampon any longer. Unfortunately I had a hysterectomy two years ago and only have one ovary left. When I first got my period when I was 12 I wore a pad. One summer we wanted to go to the beach and had my period. My older sister said to use a tampon. I was scared to death of having "something in there". She said it was no big deal, so I tried with no success, so she finally showed me how to inset it and put my first one in for me. I sure don't miss having my period.
Marsha: Oh.. I did not know some females actually had the first tampon inserted by a relative or friend. Wasn't that embarrassing?
Like others have said, being older, I started out with pads, then switched to tampons. I am very happy that I reached menopause at an early age.
Using only tampons. I used pads when everything started because I did not know otherwise. I saw that my mother had some in the house and I bought same stuff for myself. My mom never had this conversation with me and later I learned from teen age magazines and girls at school about other options. The only time I've used pads as an adult was after delivery and I was as happy as I could be when the bleeding stopped, everything healed down there, and I could return to my usual habits.As about letting someone do it for me, NOOOO! I don't know why, it's just my thing to do and nobody else's business.
Surprised more of you don't use a cup or at least try it? GF here uses it and even got her sister and mother to give it a try but I guess with limited success from what she told me.
Thanks hd2500ne; I haven't come across a cup before and I'd love to hear anyone's experiences of using one.
I have tried them but I just don't like them at all the having to wash them out etc esp if using a public washroom just isn't for me.What makes you say gf mom and sister had limited success ?