I use instead cups. Similar to other cups but disposable. I used to use pads until my swim team forced me into tampons.
Tampons all the way! I think they keep everything cleaner and fresher down there. Or as fresh as you can be, that time of the month.I've never had anyone else change my tampon (or pad, when I used to wear those), but my fiance and I have sex during my period on a regular basis. It doesn't gross him out so we just put a couple towels down and have at it!
I use pads cause I find them more comfortable. I tried a tampon and found it uncomfortable and unsure of statability. Pads for me have always been comfortable and I know their gonna catch everything.
My gf just tried the instead cup recently and liked it but she has a super heavy flow so before that she was using tampons and a pad for backup.
I use pads. When my Mom was young, she used tampons and forgot to change it. It was inside her for too long and she was diagnosed with Toxic Shock Syndrome from it. I don't use tampons unless I go swimming because of the dangers of TSS.
Always tampons, although an Egyptian gynecologist once told me me tampons are extremely dangerous and should never be used. Okaaay, well if you forget you are wearing one or don't change them often then yes, they can be extremely dangerous but as long as you are careful tampons are great. I started using pads when I first got my period but graduated to tampons at 17. I would only go back to pads kicking and screaming!
Usually tampons at day and a pad at night. Sometimes if it's a sweatpants lazy day around the house it'll be a pad.I've never let anyone change either for me.
Neither! I have a Diva Cup which I absolutely love. Only have to deal with it twice a day and last ten years.
Turquoise,I've read about those on line and been curious but I'm bit apprehensive to try. What motivated you to try?I'm afraid I'd be all thumbs trying to get it in and even worse trying to get it out. Can you feel it at all? Do you sleep with it in?Sheesh, I'm all questions.
Pads all the way for me. I've never had a problem with them being uncomfortable as long as I change often enough, and tampons just don't do it for me. I will use tampons if I need to, but as soon as I can I'll change back to a pad.
I've been a tampon user for over 40 years and for me there was no going back to the time when I used napkins with a belt. I own a cup, but for some reason got away from using it. Maybe I'll use it next month. For me menopause is probably just around the corner and I'm a little apprehensive because I can't imagine being with my period.
I was VERY lucky early on in my relationship that my GF allowed me to pull out her tampon for her. We had parked up in the car and we kissing touching each other. It was the end of her period anyway and it was pretty much clean, but still I was able to pull it out for her. Naturally i took my time about it and eventually dropped it out the car window!!
During all my period days and years I was strictly a pad girl. I wore the belted Modess or Kotex pads. I fashioned my own belts after I got married. My husband loved to change my pads for me. He'd clean me up and re-pad me during my periods. I loved his pampering! He called me his "Period Princess" I used tampons from time to time but rarely.GyneDoll
At the beginning of my period I startet with pads. But three years later (I was about 15) later I changed to tampons.
My girlfriend let me change her tampons and then she found a menstrual cup and she let me insert and empty it. She really liked the cup but she only got to use it about 4 or 5 times and then she started her change and now its been 7 or 8 months since her last period.
I HATE HATE HATE pads 😜I've used them only in emergency situations where I had no other choice, but I just can't stand them. I hate they way the feel. Just a personal preference.And while I haven't let someone "change" my tampon, per se, I have let someone insert one into me for fun.
My wife always uses pads except on rare occaisions for swimming etc.She has let me change her tampons before. We also have sex during her period.
Like most I used pads (only came with belts back then) when I was a teen. Switched to tampons as soon as I could and then switched to a cup when in my late 40s. While it took a little getting used to the cup is far an away the best option for dealing with your period. But since I'm going through menopause I have not had a period since last summer. In a way I don't miss it, but in another I do, that however, might be the topic of a totally different thread.
I always use tampons. And of course my partner has already changed or inserted me some while medical plays.In real life I got my tampon away for cystoscopy, when I was already lying on operating chair. I was being disinfected and then the nurse inserted me a new sterile tampon. After that I got injected my general anaesthesia. When I was waking up, I had again a new tampon into my vagina.
Tampon pearl are my first choice but i do use other tampons..and i use pads sometimes at night..tampons work best with my thong underwear pads dont..
I mostly wear menstrual cups, but I use tampons sometimes. My husband has had to go after many a tampon that got jammed up there in the heat of the moment.