I always use a pad. It's more comfortable for me. Some feel that tampon is more convenient and is easier in movement but I feel pad to be better.I once used a tampon to try how it feels. Could have switched if I felt ok, but it hurt while inserting so I threw it away that very moment.As far as someone else changing my pad, yes, mom has done it throughout my first cycle while I was home. Mom didn't scold me for not being able to, because she knew I am already going through a lot with this big bodily change. But she didn't let me avoid school. She put a word to my teacher to help me with the pad while I was in school during first cycle days. So twice my teacher also changed my pad. But she was generous enough to do it discretly in the ladies' room so that nobody else comes to know and mocks at me
I only use tampons for my period. Tampons are easier for the line of work I do. Pads make me feel like I am wearing a diaper.
I am all about the Diva cup.No wetness outside the body.No odor.No.wasteSlides in easyEasy to clean.ReusableAlmost impossible to.get TSS
Tampons..that's it. I don't like pads at all. And no one ever helps me with mine. Im kind of terrified of blood so I literally shut the lights off when I change them if I'm somewhere where I can or I try not to look.
I used tampons mostly, pads once in awhile. And yes husband changed them both for me. I had a hang-up about it at first but he insisted. I realized he didn't mind taking care of me and it was rather comforting letting him do it.
Much preferred tampons but I am just of age to remember sanitary pads on a belt. Think it was late 60s or 70s when first maxipad for sticking to panties was marketed.
Definitely tampons. They are quick, easy, disposable items.For a light day or other unusual occasion (not period) where I might want some panty protection I'll use a Light Days pad.
Used to use tampons only, now only now when I go swimming.I now use period underwear, they are washable and more sustainable
Lately I've had to use both because my periods are so heavy the largest tampon can't hold all the fluid so I wear a pad just in case
Lately I've had to use both because my periods are so heavy the largest tampon can't hold all the fluid so I wear a pad just in caseCan't you just change more often? Or does “when it rains, it pours” apply ?