When I was registering for this place I was a little at a loss to describe my "Sexual Orientation". I put myself out here as "Straight" because, as of right now, that is what I am. I had hoped for a category as "Bi-Curious" because I really am becoming more committed to exploring sex with another woman. I really want that, but so far there are apparently strings attached before I can even explore this avenue with either of a couple of women I am interested in at this time.
The "Unsure" category is not an option for me, because I for sure love "Straight" sex with a man, my husband. At the same time, though, I want to give being with another woman a try, too. I may not like it or want to pursue it, but I have to try this. I have talked to my husband about this and, he is leery, but willing to let me explore that little side road and see where it goes. He probably has ulterior motives, like watching or something, and right now I'm not ruling that out.
I thought about the "Heteroflexible" category, but to me that implies that I know for sure I am, indeed, "Heteroflexible." I do not know this about me right now to choose that category. Strictly speaking, if I do get the chance to have sex with another woman, I would be engaging in a "Homosexual" act while at the same time loving "Heterosexual" and thereby I could choose "Bisexual".
So for right now, I am "Straight" with "Homosexual" yearnings making me "Heteroflexible" until I find out what I like. When I first read this thread (?) I could see how some people wouldn't like to be "labeled" and restricted or stigmatized because of feeling a certain way. But the more I explore here, the more I see the need to be able to describe just what it is I want and where it is I want to go. Being able to put a "label" on it isn't going to restrict me, but it might be able to help me get to where I'm going.
And for those who read my profile, I am "Straight" because there isn't a "Bi-Curious" or "Heteroflexible-Wannabe" category.