First of all, I want to say to WH00 "Great topic. Thanks for initiating it. Hope you come back around to Zity soon"
I equate it with tastes in food. As little kids, we may not have liked certain foods that were good for us. We "learned" to like them as why grew older and our tastes changed over time. I actually went from not liking pickles to loving pickles to hating pickles.
As for me, I grew up in a homophobic environment, and society and environment plays a major part in shaping us. I found 2 guys romantically involved to be visually and conceptually disgusting. i could not comprehend why a guy or how a guy could pass up the beauty of a woman's body for another guy, so i believed gay males were suffering from a serious disorder. I consider that belief strictly related to my own comprehension level at the time.
Likewise, if i saw 2 unattractive "butch" lesbians, i didn't consider it exactly a pretty sight, but i thought, "Hey, there's a symmetry, because guys are not going to want someone who looks like that anyway. Of course "lipstick lesbians", those you would see on Howard Stern are always going to be a hot item.
The double standard, i always considered love, affection, & sex, to be feminine acts, making lesbian acts more acceptable than gay male acts. On the other hand, i tend to consider violence & swearing more of a masculine act, which may explain why people feel it's more unacceptable for women to swear or become violent as opposed to their male counterparts
Then the years progressed.
I see more of the world. I see issues in the world unfold. I grow older and mature. I go in & out of categories of friendships and folks around me. School & play friends morph into adult friends, morphing into adult parents once i became a parent, morphing into parents of athletes & students my son's age morphing into his friends too, morphing into older kids & their parents as friends as my son ages
Recently morphing into a community of older folks on these websites, where a common denominator has become prevalent among older guys, generally my age & up. And that is: Whether or not the wives have grown sexually distant, guys that may have been straight their whole lives are starting to become bi-curious.
I think about the sentiment those of you have posted, that goes to the effect of "you don't 'become', but rather reach a level of acceptance, acknowledgement &/or recognition of what was always within you". I agree that that's true to a percentage. A lot of us guys are scratching our heads, believing "we were never like this before. Why now?" And i think it is the growing & maturing. I think it's reaching an age where you stop worrying about what others think, and that your own happiness is what really counts.
To use myself as an example. I went 35 years in secret from the ENTIRE world about my jockstrap fetish. I let NO ONE know about it. Not spouses, not close friends, NOBODY ! But WHY ? Too self conscious and worried about what others would think, how i would be (mis)labeled, how i might get subsequently treated & looked upon, too awkward, too embarrassing. And they all still don't know about my fetish !
But now that i'm older & found a community where i'm comfortable being open, and have found other straight male fetishists especially, suddenly it was ok to, not only reveal and share it, but as several of you know by now, clearly i'm off the deep end. Talk about a 180 degree turn.
Then I look at my sexuality. Lifelong str8, grew up in a homophobic environment. But for those folks who say that your tendencies now were always within you, i would have to agree only on the part of admiring guys' bulges in their jockstraps. I've come to terms with the fact that i always had an appreciation for that.
That said, the "curious" side of me, the part that is curious of feeling another man's bulge, curious of what it would be like to jack another guy off, and perhaps the remote curiosity of sucking a man's cock, I didn't always have that. In which case, I would "become" someone who may like or enjoy that. I can't think it's always been within me, especially now that opportunities have presented themselves, but I haven't acted to take advantage of any. In order for me to do that, I feel I would have to "become" someone who's open to it, and that may happen or it may not. I don't even think it's been within me to be on the fence about it.
Over time, I've now come to have a much better understanding of homosexual inclinations, and therefore, can consider much more natural now than how i once looked upon it.
I went from being grossed out over male homosexuality to being flattered & thrilled to know guys were jacking off to my pics, as well as having been given offers to be sucked and jacked off. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time having a lot of fun coming up with ideas & chatting things to guys to get them hot.
The ladies will ALWAYS being a turn on for me, as well as my enjoyment at turning them on as well.
I think we're shaped by our past & present society, but can "become re-shaped" by the changing society. So i can see the degree of a combination of what's always been within you AND "becoming" some way that has not always been within you.