One should always put things in context. Do I care about my coworkers being gay? Do I care about sitting on the bus next to a gay guy? Or most commonly my hair cut by one? I am cheap. I go to places like Supercuts BTW.
Nor I'd care about gay doctors, nurses, teachers, or even preschool workers. In real life, where that doctor is saving my life.
But... it doesn't automatically make me want to play any MedFet scenario or even discuss my kinks with a gay person. Which also goes for lesbians. I'm not attracted to them, and they're not attracted to me, period. I am definitely not "bi-curious" to try it. It doesn't turn me on at all.
And if I have a choice, I prefer a female physician checking my privates and giving me a DRE. Not for kinks (well, maybe a little). It just seems right to me. We are free people. To choose doctors. No equality should be instituted in that somewhat intimate field. Of course, all bets are off in case of emergency, like I mentioned above.
My two-week membership on this site led me to an interesting discovery. Most of us automatically expect people with alternative sexuality and sexual deviations e.g. of BDSM variety to have high IQ. True for the most part, since a lot of "freaks" have to defend themselves all their life and fight for their survival. They tend to develop higher professional skills, not to mention general understanding and tolerance. But you know what... gays and freaks are part of the same averagely unimaginative and conservative demographics. They can be rude, near-sighted, and may I say, stupid. Just like your typical homophobic chauvinist from some "hick town".
As the LGBT becomes more visible and official in the society, it also reveals that not all gays are artists and scientists. The average IQ is undeniably higher, than the country's "baseline", but there's plenty of people you'd not want to talk to in a grocery store, whether they are gay or straight. Particularly ones making assumptions about everyone (out of the "freaks" joined Zity) being bi-curious, just like male chauvinists consider every straight girl a latent lesbian.