Perhaps this isn't the perfect place for the question, but along the lines of sedation, I have a question for (true) medical professionals.
A number of years ago, I was to have an anterior lumbar disc fusion: I've never had any negative reaction to general anesthesia, except perhaps post-prcedural nausea. In this case, a moment after anesthesia was induced, noted by my inability to have spontaeous respirations and not being able to move, I was completely awake -- and remained so throughout the surgery. Fully conscious, aware of everything, including a step-by-step awareness of everything being done. Painful? No -- it was sheer, unmitigated torture.
The experience has been devastating. I wake up most nights in terror that I can't breathe -- as I have develoed sleep apnea somewhere along the way -- and sometimes, all it takes is the smell of antiseptics or the sound of something dropped on a hard floor, and I'm back reliving my experience.
However rare my experience, I am very sensitized by my experience. Any procedure that I have to have done, most of it necessary but not considered risky, I am secretly a basket-case until pre-op vitals are taken and it becomes obvious that my b.p. is very elevated. I have made it clear to the anesthesiologist or RN-Anesthesiologist that I had an episode of anesthesia awreness, but I honestly don't believe they are convinced that this is a real phenomnon. My apprehension is quite real, however. Any hints, suggestions, or recommendations?