Sedated for circumcision at age 36. Arrived in morning, taken back and told to undress completely, given hospital socks, gown and head covering. Given IV and barrage of questions of course, said the word circumcision more that day than I ever thought possible (of course to make sure you have the right patient and are doing the right procedure). I was told at first I was going to be completely knocked out, I told them that I had agreed to sedation only, not full anaesthesia.
They wanted to argue and change my mind, but I know the procedure can even be done in doctors office with local anaesthetic. My reasoning is that I had panic attacks and that coming out of full anaesthesia I might freak out. They thought that was a good reason to full knock me out ,but I held my ground. They relented and agreed to sedation only. Was done in hospital operating room. I was awake the whole trip up to the operating room, greeted the doctor, saw the sheet put up between me and them, so I couldn't see what was going on.
Needless to say, not sure why they wanted full anaesthesia as the sedation knocked me out. Apparently under sedation I was cracking jokes and I do remember when a cauterizing pad was placed on my thigh, stating "of course, the one place I didn't trim". Remember that made a nurse laugh and the doctor clearing throat reprovingly. At one point I could feel tugging and realized that I was being stitched. My eyes must have opened enough cause I heard doctor ask "Can you feel that?", I said yes and then back into oblivion.
Next thing I remember was being wheeled out of the operating room, then back out again, until I woke up about an hour later. Apparently it doesn't take much to knock me out! Wish I had been awake for it all, but glad I didn't feel any discomfort as operation took about 45 mins. Though when they billed, they tried to charge for two anaesthesiologists , and the insurance company would only pay for one as that's all that was needed for sedation. Have colonoscopy in 6 weeks, will take as little sedation as they can give.