When I first started learning, playing, and what not about my fetish, I, like everything else became very fascinated with it and sort of obsessed with it. Meaning that every spare second I had when I was not working or absolutely spending the the bare amount of time with my family that I had to, yes, I felt guilty. But I didn't feel guilty about having a medical fetish, I felt guilty because I was so obsessed with this new found world of mine, not to mention the new found "freedon" I found that I somewhat, I believe in my heart, neglected my family duties as a wife, daughter, and mother sometimes.
For about the first year, every available second I had I was on the computer learning, viewing, talking, and or visiting people who also shared my love for all things medical.
Also at first I was a little bit ashamed and felt guilty about having a medical fetish because I am a nurse. It took me about 6 months of total personal analyzing before I was able to convince myself that my medical fetish feelings and desires were not in any way shape or form associated or linked to my real job as a nurse. I knew that all along, but it's one of those things where you just really have to double check, triple check and totally make sure that my med fet life and my real medical job were not in any way inter twined or that I associated one with the other.
For me anyway, due to the fact that I am a medical professional, that inner struggle of having a medical fetish fought with each other for about a year, but in another sort of way. On the most simple basic level, being a nurse gives you a sense of power and being in control, however a lot of my medical fetish feeling and desires lie in the fact of just the opposite, that of being NOT in control of myself or the medical treatments being handed out to me ad often times against my will. That was my most basic need and desire at first, and foremost reason.
Then came the next hard question that I had to really look at my inner self and who I was to be able to answer. Did I become a nurse, paramedic, and lab tech because I have a medical fetish? Well, that one was a difficult answer to answer completely, openly, and honestly with myself. If I answered yes, then in my mind, that sort of made me feel dirty and ashamed of who and what I was doing as a provession. If I answered no, then I knew I was probably lyng to myself, but could probably eventually get over the guilt of being a medical professional, or could I? That question for me, was a bit scary to face open and honestly with myself.
So after a lot deep soul searching, self analyzing, self criticism, and a lot of self doubt, and feeling ashamed. I came to the following conclusions. A lot of both having a medical fetish and being a real medical professional can and do cross over into each other, the things that did cross were all very superficial in insignificant things.
Some of the same things that cross into both areas are injections. I love to give them in a real medical setting, and in a play setting, both are equally exciting to me but for totally different reasons. In a real setting I love to give them because I love that the shot I am administering if one step closer to getting my patient better, healthier, and hopefully is a small step into their rehabilitation care plan, which is where the "power" issue comes into play during a real situation. However, in a play situation, the "power" issues also comes into play because I am in charge, and I can and will make my play patient assume any position I want them to receive their injection in.
Another thing I like to do in real life and in a play situation is rectal temperature taking. In a real life situation, me getting or having to get a rectal temp means one of a few things, either my patient is dying and I need a real core temp, or because there is some other medically warranted situation causing the need for this. This also can fall into a "power" situation simply due to the fact that my patient is really sick for this to be happening, and I know that by me obtaining a real and accurate temperature, it will give me the knowledge I need to either help fix my patient, or be able to get the amount and dose of the proper medications that are going to help my patient out the most, which will either speed in their recovery, or make them as comfortable as possible during their passing. Either way, it give me the power to make a positive difference in my patients life or condition in the moment. In a play situation however, I still feel the power, but the power comes from being able to command my play patient to expose himself, as much as I am commanding him to do so, which in turn, automatically takes a bit more of my patients power away from the play patient.
Enemas are another thing for me that cross over into a play and real life setting. In real life, I hate giving enemas to my real patients. It's not because I hate giving them meaning the actual enema itself, but hate doing it to them because I know it's humiliating for them to have to be receiving them in the first place, and also because I know they are afraid of a possible accident they have, and because by the time my patient has gotten to the point that they need to have a real enema, they are not feeling well at all. But the power I feel here is knowing that while I understand their embarrassment, I also understand how sick they are feeling due to their current situation, and I have the power and will feel enjoyment with a few minutes because within a few ounces, and or, of a few courts of water I'm going fix them up and make them feel a whole lot better, and quickly as well. As far as a play situation, if they really need one then all of the above applies as well, however I have the power to decide how many, how fast the flow is, what nozzle to use, and what solution.
I also enjoy the over all total physical itself in both real and play situations. In real, I have the power of my knowledge and skill set to determine with my eyes, ears, nose and via touch whether or not my patient warrents further medical treatment, which in turn could possibly save their life, or alert them to a condition that needs a more skilled set of eys or a higher skill set than my own. I like that power of knowing that I could possible save a life or make an immediate difference in someone's life. In a play situation, my enjoyment comes from being able to command my patient into any position I feel is needed, warrented, or just because I want to embarress them a little bit more while still giving them their exam.
So in short, the 4 things for me that cross over from real to play are injections, rectal temperature, enema's, and the actual exam itself. However, with this being said, real is real and play is play, and NEVER do the two cross, but both are enjoyed for two completely separate and very different reasons.
Having, accepting and acknowledging my medical fetish I whole heartedly believe has made me a much better nurse in real life. Partially due to the fact of where I have been employed as a nurse, but mostly because my boyfriend and only play partner is a real doctor, I have been given the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge way beyond 98 percent or more above my peers with the same level of education. The medical knowledge and skill set I have learned from a reliable source during my med fet journey has been priceless in making me a much better nurse for my real patients, and patients that are not mine as well because most of my peers know about my past med fet kink and know that I have the knowledge and skills above theirs so that when they run into a situation they cna't handle, are unsure about, or need help with, they come to me first for advice or whatever. They also know that if we have really tried to figure something out, I have the resource at my finger tips to find the answers we are seeking in just a mater of moments. Again, that's a priceless resource to have.
There are a lot of things in both real life medical situation and in play medical situation that will never have a comon place or groud with each other, or maybe a better way to put that is, in a matter of speaking, when I am at my job, and even sometimes in play when a real medical situation is found, play time ends immediately, my nursing hat gets put on, as a matter of speaking and I go into work mode. And there have been more than a few occasions during play exams that I have found real medical issues that have required a more highly medical trained person than myself, especilaly since it's against the law for me to diagose. When this happens, as I said, play time is over and my finding are discussed along with possible diagnoses', treatment plans and issues, medications that could possibly go along with probably diagnoses, and any and all information that I might have pertaining to the diagnoses' at hand.
Now there are a few things that absolutely do not cross over into real life and play situation, and some of those depend on what state I am in and the laws pertaining to the situation at hand. For example, if I am in a play situation in a different state than my own and my play patient has a huge black head on their back or something, a boil that's hot and ready, with their permission, you bet your paycheck I am going to aspirate that black head and or hot compress that boil till it comes to a head, deroof that sucker, not lance it mind you, but deroof it and get all that I can from either or, always using clean, sterile, and safe tactics to do so depending on the location and size of the area. In my state, I would never dream of doing either as they are beyond my scope of practice, but in other states, I'm a layman. Besides that, I am a picker and love doing that sort of stuff, lol. Personally it's really cool, and talk about instant gratification, lol. Not to mention, almost the second the core or infection is released, the "patient" is almost completely pain free because 90 percent of pain associated with both of those example is due to the pressure under the skin.
So there are two sides to the med fet/real life coin in this case. But because play is play, and work is work, there are many things I really do not care to do in a play setting that I love to do in a real medical setting, as there are many things I love to do in a real life medical setting that I hate and dread in a play setting. The main and quick example I could give you for this is the basic ABC's. Airway, breathing and circulation. I love to deal with all three in a real medical setting because if any of the three are compramized, I have the skill set, knowledge, and back up to save my patients life. In a play setting at no time should I ever have to worry about any of those, and while I still have the above mentioned to handle any and most situations, I sure would hate to have to.
So, the two basic questions that were asked at the start of this post were, "do you have any second thoughts about having a medical fetish, or guilt because of your medical fetish."
Again, the only guilt I have is that sometimes my family has had to suffer a bit because of my medical fetish, and not because I make them my listen to all my banter about the topic, but because I love to learn, and when I really enjoy something, can learn about it, and it happen to make me better at the job I love, sometimes they have had to take a back seat, that is my only feeling of guilt as now the girls are 17 and 19.
As far as having any regrets about having a medical fetish, my clear answer is absolutely NOT. Having a medical fetish has brought for me a happiness and an inner calm I can't explain finally after all these years. Because of the skills I have learned not to mention the volumes of knowledge I have learned and acquired from my play partner of the last 4 years who is a doctor, which in turn has made me a much better nurse, which in turn has also made my skill set and knowledge of all things medical far above over 90 percent of my peer with the same educational background, and last, but definitely most importantly, my medical fetish enabled me to find some good friends who completely understand me, (most of the time anyway),and brought me to, and allowed me to meet and fall head over heels with the love of my life.
So do I have any regrets or second thoughts about having my medical fetish? Nope, not really, actually couldn't get much happier about the entire situation to be quite honest with you.