I have been a member for about a year now. I joined at the request of a friend from here that wanted me to read some of his writings and it was just easier to go there than send me individual reading material.
There is a lot of info there and believe me you can find absolutely anything and everything.
I find the site a little difficult to navigate but I am also sooo NOT a techie.
When I first joined I did not put any info in my profile and only joined a couple of basic groups to attempt to stay up to date on the latest news. I was instantly bombarded by friend requests and pms that were crude and classless.
I used to cringe every time I logged on which was every few months. There is always a pm waiting.
I recently started to frequent the site a little more and have chatted with a few local members that I weeded out of the pile. It literally is like finding a needle in a haystack.
I did add a few likes and a couple of pics ( that I also have here) but have kept it very limited because it seems the more I put the more pms I receive. I still have not made a profile and probably won't because it would read more of like a “do not “ list than anything else.
There are too many self proclaimed “doms” and well more than enough idiots to go around.
I am all about self expression but if you have to post a cream pie facial or sucking on a cock to get attention well I will refrain my voicing my opinion on that but If you know me I am sure you can figure it out. lol
Also if you have a dic pic in your profile I can tell you I have never seen a pic of a cock and thought, "OMFG, I absolutely must have that beautiful specimen of perfection!!" And if you have a dic pic as your avatar just keep scrolling thru other members til you find your ideal match....the one with the facial as her avatar.
Yeah that about sums up the majority of fetlife.