@joseph13 said,
It seems to me that back in the 1950s mother felt that it was their maternal obligation to keep their children healthy and monitor their bowels because back then I think they thought that a clean colon was a healthy one. No matter what you go sick with the mumps the measles the chickenpox the flu you got an enema because they felt cleaning that poop out was good for you.
When my siblings and I were growing up in the nineteen fifties, our grandmother was a retired RN and a firm believer in enemas for both kids and adults. Family doctors of the era were also believers in enemas. Whenever we got sick, and the doctor called to make a house call. Once we had been seen, his prescription usually included daily enemas until the illness had passed.
I am convinced that my mother got off when she gave it to us they were four boys in my family she was the one in control she was steering the boat and we had to do exactly what she said.
Our mom may have gotten turned on when she gave us enemas, but being she hated getting enemas herself, I kind of doubt it. We knew when and why mom gave us enemas, but there were occasions, she gave us enemas out of the blue for no reason. Was she turned on or did it turn her on when she gave us enemas out of the blue. Who knows, we never picked up on it at our age. However, her two teenage sisters were a different story. Grandma, having taught her two younger daughters, as preteens, personal hygiene and how to care for children. Then gave them the responsibility of doing our evening bath including enemas and the occasional spanking. At first, we didn’t think anything about it. Probably due to age. But as we got older, it became obvious, the girls were getting turned on whenever they gave us enemas. Something we really didn’t minded because, like our two aunts, we liked getting enemas as much as they did. It was really weird in the beginning, because we didn’t understand the feelings enemas gave us. They felt good, but at the same time, felt naughty. And the older we got; the more enemas turned us on. And that was a feeling we enjoyed. No matter how naughty it felt.