Recommendations and questions about instruments, clothing etc.
Total: 334

Exam Table in UK

I'm looking for a new exam table, has anyone an…

Cheek Retractors

So does anyone use Cheek Retractors/Dental Gags…

Possible INstrument for internal Video Exam


Medieval Instrument: The Pear of Anguish

I remember watching an episode of Criminal Mind…

Speculum Resources UK

Here's a good article about speculums in the UK…

Cheek retractor

Does anyone love to wear/watch others wear chee…

Where can I get a "belt" like this?

Where can I get an enema tip that has a belt / …

Sterilization of Instruments

So, I just bought a couple pieces of equipment.…

Lithotomy stirrups?

Years ago I purchased an old exam table that wa…

Outfit or exam drape, you decide.

For my fellow medfetters in the US..did anyone …
2 Replies

Ever used a "penis clamp"?

Has anyone ever used one of these? http://www.i…

Good place for apparel

I recently placed an order from a SPA supply sh…

Restrained in Stirrups

Do any doctors out there still have their femal…

Old Gyn Chair for Sale

A few days ago I was helping a friend transport…

Foley Caths

Where do you guys buy yours? Anyone know a good…

Horse-sized speculum

Hello everyone, I've seen a couple movies with …

Speculums -- Where to Buy?

Does anyone know where I could purchase a vagin…

Girlfriend's Gyno Visit Sparks Latex Glove Fetish

When I accompany my girlfriend to her gyno appo…

Sims Speculum or Weighted Vaginal Spec

Hi everyone! First of all let me say that I am…

A nurses hat

I'm looking for a pattern for a making an nurse…

Buying Stethoscope

Hey everyone. I am just curious as to what part…

Manufacturers of Gloves

Which is the best manufacturer of sterile surgi…

Fitting for surgical gloves

Hello, I am about to purchase some surgical glo…

Play clinic exam table and other stuff.

Does anyone know of a good site or anywhere whe…

Different types of gowns

Say.. I was wondering if anyone knew of a more …

XO specula and where can you get them.

I know of two specula that are classified XO. N…

Exam Table covering

Does your doc use the long paper? a pad? a 'pap…

Collins speculum?

Anyone have any tips on whether a small collins…

"Illuminated" Speculum(s)

I just recently found a provider (on EBAY) that…


Anyone ever used a CPAP mask during "play"? Won…

Green syringes offered to the US market on Ebay

Finally after years of waiting, there is a sell…

Exam Table for sale

If you hurry, you too can have your own profess…

Gloves used on ER

Many years ago while watching ER I fell in love…

The things given to use at home.

A nurse gives us a Bagenema prep kit. Or the Gy…

Chemical suits

I have this fantasy about being examined by som…

Latex pillow case, in search of

I have to use a pillow under my lower back when…


My mail server generates ads that pick up on wo…

Rubber enema bag

Where I can order Rubber enema bags,is there a …

IPhone and iPad Apps

Apple have been overtaking the medical communit…

Never had erotic exam, what equip is best?

I am pursuing having my first erotic exam. I a…

Cool t-shirt :)

I'm not sure if this is the right section to po…
4 Replies

Manual Resuscitator aka Ambu-Bag

If you've ever seen a patient being rolled on a…

Inflatable Speculum

A few years ago I came up with an idea for an i…

Cold touch of the stethoscope

I have a littman classic stethoscope. it's very…

Magpie Mind

Just a quick note to see if there is anyone out…

STD Culture Swabs

Anyone know where I can buy these. I usually u…

Completely naked from the start or......

This is a question for the women on here. In a …

I would like to share some photos.

I would like to share some photos slavik girls …


In the early 1950's I spent long periods of tim…

New Toys!

One of the challenges of living on the ass end …

Using Ferguson speculum

Does anyone off the users this board work with …

Where is the best place to shop for instruments? looking fore som webshop with medical i…


I can remember when a doctor simply washed his …

Rectal Specula

We have been using the Matheiu (sp?) speculum f…

How to care for Rubber/Latex

Hello, I just got a massive shipment of rubber …