Total: 917

Feeling too old for rectal temperature taking by mom

How old were you, when you started to feel emba…

How do you like being told?

Are there any specific words or phrases that yo…

Putting Vaseline onto the rectal thermometer before insertion

During the time when my temperature was taken r…

Does it matter who takes your temperature

Who would you rather have taking your rectal te…

Upcoming Appointment/Play Exam

Greetings from Shygirl here! Hope you all are w…

Old Nursing Texts and Rectal Temperatures

Does anyone else like reading through old (pre …

Rectal temperature taken at collège admission medical exams.

Reading various posts on this site, I understan…

LADIES: Daily rectal temperature measurement for monitoring of cycle

Ladies! How do you feel about daily rectal temp…

Temperature under the blanket?

Have you ever taken your temperature while lyin…

What is your favorite position to receive a rectal temperature?

I love the across the lap position….my husband …

Why are rectal temperatures seen as taboo or lost art these days

Why don’t doctors and nurses do rectal temperat…

Did your friends know you were having rectal temperature taken?

As a child of the seventies rectal temperatures…

How long do you leave the rectal thermometer inserted

How long do you keep the rectal thermometer ins…

Boring partner

I’ve had a couple of girlfriends who balked at …

Thoughts when rectal temperature taken

What are your thoughts when you take your recta…

RT as a gateway to other anal play

Does anyone else view RTs as a gateway to other…

Rectal temperature partners

Have you had any rectal temperature partners ? …

Taker female skirt

When the female who took your temperature on he…

Tracking core body temperature

I’ve recently seen online articles about women …

Rectal temp at the same time, with another person.

I tried to search and don't think this topic ha…

Insertion distance.

I read somewhere that the warmest place in the …

Regularly taking a temperature for discipline

I heard of cases where rectal fever was taken r…

Embarassing situations when your Temperature was taken rectally

Do you have some expiriences which are espacial…

Substitute for a rectal thermometer

I was curious if anyone out there has ever inse…

How far to you insert the rectal thermometer

How far should you insert the rectal thermomete…

Pacifiers and Rectal Temperatures

Sometimes I like to regress back to my baby day…

Toxic Lubricants

I just saw a video, that warned people to avoid…

Pushing the thermometer out

When you had a thermometer in you did you ever …

Rectal temperatures without knowing it.

Have you ever had your rectal temperature taken…

Younger brother/sister in the exam room when rectal temperature taken

I wonder if there are rectal thermometer enthus…

Most exciting part

Which is the most exciting part about RT for yo…

Did your babysitter take your temperature rectally?

Did your babysitter take your temperature recta…

Has anyone had RT in front of other family members or friends?

My brother and I had ours taken in front of eac…

Were you ever denied an oral temperature?

Has anyone ever requested an oral temperature r…

A cold feeling?

When you were kids did you ever think that the …

Rectal temp used as an attitude adjustment

One time, growing up, I had a temper tantrum an…

Teenage rectal temps

Does anyone have any memories of having their r…

Temperature taken at what point of the examination?

Normally, when someone gets examined, vital sig…

Pulling the pants down then the underwear

When you would take someone’s rectal temperatur…

Wait for time to pass

When you waited with the thermometer in your bu…

RT, do you prefer totally naked or pants pulled down?

During a temperature taking, do you prefer to b…

Having your temperature taken or take someone else's temperat

Do you prefer to have your (rectal) temperature…

How was your nurse dressed when your RT was taken?

Two occasions come to mind where the woman , a …

Request from the temperature taker

Has it ever happened to you that someone who to…

Odd rectal temperature taking from nowhere by your mom

Did you get your temp taken by suprise, out of …

Held in or left sticking out?

Growing up, was the thermometer held in place b…
223 Replies

Who wipes your bottom after RT?

I tried searching for this topic so forgive me …

Rectal Temperature in the Shower

Does anyone else like taking their rectal tempe…

How far was your underwear lowered for a rectal temperature?

When the thermometer was inserted into your lit…

Do you take your rectal temperature frequently - Daily ?

Do you take your rectal temperature frequently …