Medical / health related but NOT really kink / fetish / play
Total: 370

Dermatologist... Full body skin exam

The first time I had a full body skin check was…

Inguinal hernia surgery

Need to schedule inguinal hernia surgery, who's…

Cystoscopy Experiences?

Cystoscopy I've read through the posts, I thoug…

How many people see latex gloves and get a tingle?

I was thinking about this while visiting my mot…
34 Replies

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Experiences (Men and Women)

@DocH2O asked for more details about my experie…

Anyone get a flu shot but still got the flu?

Flu shot? Sure, I got one in October. Everyone …

Indiscreet medical secretaries

A number of people here mention experiences in …

Colonoscopy Prep, Experiences and Tips

Although I am just 33, I know some day I will n…

Belly button innie or outie

Is your bellybutton an innie or outie ? Male or…
52 Replies

Anyone ever get an Upper GI

I have one scheduled in a week and a half and I…

Tight Foreskin or Phimosis

Has any guy ever had a medical examination duri…

Enemas or Suppositories

Who has used either of these and which is bette…

Any real health care professionals here?

I'm a first year resident in Canada. I'd love t…

Will they want me to shave for an Anoscopy?

Hi everyone, I am scheduled for an anoscopy nex…

Playing Doctor

So today is going to be interesting. Both me an…

Eroxon Topical Gel for ED

Do any of you have experience with Eroxon topic…

Digital rectal exam: which fingers?

I used to assume a digital rectal exam involved…

Testosterone subQ injections

Anyone else here taking testosterone therapy vi…

On circumcision in the Western world

I have done quite a bit of reading on how circu…

Rezūm Procedure Pain Intensity and Duration

I wrote a blog about my urology visit today. Bu…

Going to the doctor in France vs. USA

What are the differences in doctor visits betwe…

Unusual Experience During a Real GP Exam

At the beginning of the week I have had to have…

Sleep Apnea

I had nocturia so the urologist sent me to the …


I went to the urologist because of prostatitis,…

What are the side effects of Finasterida?

Is anyone using this medicine finasteride for t…

STD check for males

So I hope this is the right discussion area for…

Electronic vaginal stimulation

An interesting video about strengthening the va…

Lawsuit in Arkansas

There's a woman out there who's suing a mental …

What does an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound consist of for a male?

Does anyone know what an ultrasound of abdomen …

Flomax (Tamsulosin)

I was just prescribed Tamsulosin from my urolog…

Male pelvic Floor Therapy ?

Sorry if i posted it in the wrong section.. Any…

To Teen Guys: Yes, We Really Need To Check ‘Em

An article about the importance of genital exam…

Bladder ultrasound next week

I have a bladder ultrasound next week, will I h…

Vojta therapy

Hi everyone, Let me start by saying "I'm the ne…

Ladies...Douching? Yes or NO? If yes, at what age?

The ladies I have had in my life have had a ran…

Evolution of Exam Thoroughness

Getting ready to go to a new primary care in a …

Prostatitis exam

Does anyone have any experience with physical e…

Least favorite medical specialist

Over the years I been to many different medical…

Why does the doctor check your mouth before you go to surgery?

I have a question, why does the doctor check yo…

Urine sample at the urologists office

To anybody that goes to the urologist, do you a…

The longest wait

When we were kids, the longest wait had to eith…

Did this doctor take advantage of these girls?

I was reading some comments from an online foru…

Internist vs Family Practice

When considering a new primary care provider in…

Inguinal hernia repair

I just made a first appointment for an inguinal…

Contraception: what do you use?

I was thinking about some of my posts discussin…

Dermatology patient position

Has anyone been placed in or asked to assume an…

Allowed presence of friend/partner for support?

Generally, if someone goes to a doctor -- this …

Urinary Incontinence Appointment

My wife has been dealing with bladder leakage i…

I hate finding new doctors!

I live in a rural community and the nearest hos…

Anyone in the south east of England

Hi everyone, Hope this is achievable so looking…

Enlarged brain ventricles

I've found out that I have enlarged brain ventr…