Sissy baby Timmy

Views: 742 Created: 2007.07.31 Updated: 2007.07.31

Caught diapered

Part 2

After meeting Dora and her room mate Shelly after thanksgiving I kept thinking of them and how they promised to treat me as a baby girl if I wanted. Finally after the holidays I called them and asked if they wanted to meet the next weekend and was told by Dora that she would love to and I should bring my sissy baby wardrobe. That Friday I carefully packed my dresses and other baby stuff in a suitcase then told my daughters I would be back Sunday or Monday. As I drove south to Tonopah nev. I wondered what Dora and Shelly had in mind for me because Dora had told me that they had lots of plans for me.

When I finally arrived at Dora’s house and knocked on the door Dora opened it and exclaimed that she was disappointed that I was dressed in men’s clothing. After all I had told her I loved to dress as a sissy baby and she wanted to see me dressed I told her that I mostly always wore men’s clothing outdoors but that I was wearing a diaper as usual and my pink nursery print plastic pants. She smiled and told me that Shelly had gone shopping and I needed to show her my wardrobe. As I opened my large duffel bag I started pulling out my dresses and crinoline slips and was told that she was disappointed that I had packed my clothing that way because they were getting all wrinkled and proper lil girl’s didn’t do things like that and they took better care of their cloths. As she examined my dresses she told me she could make me more clothing and just use most of my stuff as a pattern. She then had me strip down so I could be dressed properly as I removed my clothing she pulled out one of my print onesies and pulled it over my head then had me lay back so she could snap the crotch snaps then she walked into the kitchen to fill me a bottle of apple juice.

As I lay there with my bottle Dora picked up my baby cloths and placed them in piles so she could show me how to properly clean and care for them. When she finished she had me get up and carry them into the laundry room them as I placed them into the washer she showed me how to set the dials and start the laundry. When the washer started Dora told me it was time for the baby’s bath and to lie down on the guest bedroom’s bed but first she pulled out a large baby comforter and placed it on the bed. Then she had me lay on it then unsnapped and removed my onesie then untapped my diaper and after pulling it off from under me she rolled it up and placed it in a diaper pail I hadn’t noticed eailer. After she removed my diaper she exclaimed that baby’s shouldn’t have such hairy legs and chest so she left the room and I herd water running then she reappeared and had a small plastic basin and her shavers. She told me that it was time to be shaved and showed me a small electric razor and then as I laid there she started to trim my pubic hair till it was about a ¼ inch long then she started in on my chest then we herd Shelly return.

As Shelly walked into the room she told Dora “I see you are removing the baby’s hair like I suggested” Dora told her yes she was then she was going to give her baby a bath so her sissy would look and smell like a baby. Then Shelly said that with that large pee pee standing up like that the sissy didn’t look much like a baby but she must really be enjoying her shave. Dora said she could tell but the baby would have to wait till she was done before she could fix that lil problem.

After the trim Dora started to use shaving cream and a razor to shave my legs then my chest then she squirted lots of foam on my crotch then she carefully shaved my crotch and balls then had me get on my hands and knees so she could shave my ass crack. As she was wiping off the excess foam I was pleading for some relief from my hard on till Shelly walked in with a soaking wet washcloth that was ice cold and as she wrapped it around my hardon she told me that babies don’t have that problem. When the ice cold cloth touched my cock it instantly went limp and Dora told Shelly “thank you that’s much better” then stool me up and walked me into the bathroom and then started to fill the tub with warm water. As I sat in the warm water Dora grabbed a wash sponge and a bottle of Johnson’s baby wash then started to scrub me clean and after washing my body she applied some Johnson’s baby shampoo to my hair and after rinsing me off she had me stand up so she could use a big fluffy towel to dry me off.

After drying me off Dora marched me into the guest room witch Shelly was now calling the nursery and had me lay on the baby comforter. As I laid there Dora and Shelly started to lotion my crotch and as they started to rub it in on my cock and balls. I started to get hard as they started to talk baby talk to me asking if I loved the way it felt as the stroked my cock and Shelly had me bring my knees up so she could add lotion to my butt. When I raised my knees I felt her poking a slippery finger in my ass and slowly massaging my prostate till I started to cum all over my chest and belly. Then Shelly slid a butt plug in my ass as Dora sprinkled powder on my crotch then fastened the diaper that she had slid under me.

After cleaning the cum up with a spoon Shelly then fed it to me as Dora slid some plastic pants over my legs than had me stand up so she could pull them the rest of the way up then tucked my diaper in and had me lay back down so they could lotion the rest of my body. When they finished Dora asked how I felt to be baby smooth and smell like a real baby. As I marveled how soft and smooth my body was. Dora then told Shelly she had to put my dresses in the dryer and wash more of my baby things and to please get her measuring tape from the sewing room because she wanted to make me more baby clothing. While Shelly was gone Dora explained that she had lost her only daughter and husband in an accident but she still missed them and every day while she was teaching the children at the school she longed for a baby of her own and would I like to be her part time baby girl.

When I told Dora that I would love to be her baby she told me good and now she could treat me like she always wished she could treat her daughter. When Shelly returned with the tape Dora had me stand so she could measure my body and had Shelly write down the sizes. Dora finished and told Shelly it was time to dress her new baby then she dug out a pink onesie from my bag then pulled it over my head then had me sit so she could pull a pair of white tights over my legs and then snapped the crotch snaps then she pulled out a pair of pink ankle socks on my feet and had me stand and step into a pair of wind pants and told me that now that the baby was dressed it was time to go shopping for some dress material.

As we walked outside I grabbed my flannel shirt from my truck and put it on to hide the pink onesie I was wearing and as we were getting into Shelly’s van Dora said that when we bought the material for my new baby cloths we could also look for proper garment bags so my stuff will not get as wrinkled. When we got to the little store in town we found that they didn’t have the material Dora wanted so she decided to make the 2 hour drive to Fallon Nv. but I told her I would prefer not to because the butt plug she had shoved in me as she diapered me was starting to hurt. Shelly told me that that was too bad but she would remove it when I was wet enough to need a diaper change.

When we finally reached Fallon Dora found a fabric shop and when we finally found the material she wanted (lots of pink prints and pink satin material) she said that there was a Wal-Mart store just down the street and she could find everything she wanted for her new baby. At this time I was nearly begging to be changed so she would also remove the butt plug so she stopped the van in the corner of the Wal-Mart parking lot and had me lay in the back but when she opened the side door I freaked out because if anyone drove by the would see me getting my diaper changed but Dora just told me if I wanted a change that this was my only option. As Dora pulled off my pants she could see I was very wet and she pulled down unsnapped my onesie and pulled down my white tights and plastic panties. She remarked that I needed a regular diaper bag instead of a backpack then she untapped and removed my wet diaper and after removing the butt plug she used the wet wipes I had to clean me up. After I was clean she slid a disposable diaper under me she then powdered me and taped my diaper up then she pulled my plastic panties and tights up then had me stand up next to the van so she could resnap the onesie and pull my pants over them and I kept watching to see if anyone had seen us.

After I was once again properly dressed Dora had me get into the van so she could park closer and as we walked in a lady drove by and laughing waved at me and said she had enjoyed the view. Startled I relised that she must have seen me getting my diaper changed and as I stood there red faced Dora grabbed my hand and told me that the car had drove by several times and the lady was probably just jealous. When we entered the store we went to the luggage dept. and found two bags Dora liked then she had me follow her to the health care dept. where she got a bag of large diapers and more wipes then we went to the infants area. Where Dora then found a large pink diaper bag and also grabbed some more baby powder and some rash cream then more baby bottles and headed fore the bathroom decorating area where she bought a plastic children’s print shower Curtin then a pink twin sized blanket then we went to the check out. While we were in the checkout line I noticed the cashier looking at the baby stuff and the bag of adult diapers then my padded waist and as she rang up our purchases I quietly stood there red faced. As we walked I complained to Dora that I thought the cashier had figured out the diapers and diaper bag was for me but Dora told me that I was to be quiet and that a real baby wouldn’t care.

After putting the bags in the van Dora suggested we stop at the Jack in the Box for lunch after I said ok Dora drove around the corner and stopped at the drive through and ordered the food then pulled up in the parking lot and proceeded to pour my coke into one of the new baby bottle’s then reached into my backpack and grabbed my baby print bib and tied it on me. While we ate I was in a near panic as people walked in and out hoping that no one would notice and finally after we finished eating Dora wiped my face then we headed back to her house. When we arrived at her house Shelly was gone on a date so Dora just grabbed the shopping bags and proceeded to take my new pink diaper bag and fill it with diapers, my pink print plastic pants and the wipes and the baby powder &bottle’s and told me to watch TV while she worked. While I watched TV I tried to figure out why she got the shower curtain and blanket till after a half hour she walked in and showed me that she had cut down the curtain and blanket then sewed them together to make me a changing pad that was two ply and had the plastic ducky plastic print to keep it dry then she told me since I was probably wet she spread it out and had me lay on it.

While I was on my new changing pad Dora removed my pants and unsnapped my onesie then removed my tights and plastic pants and after removed my diaper she cleaned my crotch then she told me that so far I had been the one that received all the pleasure and now it was her torn so she straddled my head and made me lick her pussy till she came then she got off and wiped my face clean and rediapered me. After I was diapered she rubbed the front of my diaper till I filled it with sticky cum then she pulled out my sun suit and told me since it was warm in the house I could wear it around the house so she snapped my onesie back up then pulled the sun suit on me and buckled the shoulder straps and fastened the snap crotch and then gave me a bottle and told me to lay there and take a nap. As I lay back down Dora folded my changing pad and placed it in the diaper bag also then returned to the sewing room.

As I was sleeping Dora had finished a pink satin party dress and made a few calls then as I woke up Shelly came home dressed in black leather pants and vest with her was her boyfriend who upon seeing me started laughing and he told them that the next night there was a party at one of the Las Vegas fetish clubs and having me dressed as a baby would be funny as hell so they should go and take me so everyone could see me. When Dora said she wasn’t sure he told her not to worry that it was a private party and I could be the star attraction. As Shelly’s boyfriend left Dora and her were talking and making plans then shelly told us that since I was bisexual I shouldn’t mind the people that would be there because maybe I would have some fun and find some pleasure after all I seemed to enjoy the butt plug in me then shelly undressed me and Dora produced a pink nightgown and they put me to bed.