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Views: 3782 Created: 2019.06.12 Updated: 2021.07.29

A Client Visit Holds a Surprise

Friday's Visit...Things get interesting!

I woke up at 5:30 Friday morning, eager to start the day. I showered and shaved and dressed business casual. My suites hotel offers free breakfast, and it was a real American breakfast, not just fruit, pastries and granola bars. I ate a serving of scrambled eggs, bacon, and cooked a waffle. It was great. Heading back to my room, I brushed my teeth, used mouthwash and splashed on some after shave. I grabbed my laptop and the investment literature I planned to offer Celeste to give her an idea of what she was investing her money in. Traffic was lighter than I planned, and I arrived early. She was ready for me, sitting in her medical office. I met Angie for the first time. She is a little shorter than Celeste and slightly chubby, what we used to call baby fat. She is Hispanic, with a coffee and cream flawless complexion with jet black hair and black eyes. Celeste, on the other hand is about 5' 7" tall, creamy white complexion, platinum (formerly auburn) hair and blue eyes. Celeste has lovely C's, which are surprisingly perky for her age. Angie has perfect large C's or small D's, with (as I would discover later) stunningly large black arioles. (Celeste's are small and only slightly darker than the skin of her breasts.) Celeste introduced us, then told Angie she had it for the rest of the day. Turning to me, she said, "Let's go to my quarters and you can show me what you have."

I followed her back to her side of the duplex, and we sat down at her dining room table. I pulled out the laptop and asked her to slide her chair around so she could see the screen. After logging in, I pulled up her account, and showed her where everything stood at that moment. Fortunately, much more green than red showed on the screen. I went over all the positions, and handed her the reference materials which corresponded to each. The whole process took nearly three hours, because she has a very large plan. I asked if she had any questions for me, and she replied, "Yes, I have a few." "Go ahead.", I coaxed. "OK, first: Have you had a BM today?" I was caught flat-footed, but managed to mumble, "No, not today." "Hmmmmm, mind my asking when you last moved your bowels?" "Mmmm, Wednesday, no, Tuesday." "Um hmmmm... so you haven't emptied your colon in three days? Is this normal for you?" "Well," (by now I was trying to avoid showing that her questions were a turn on) I usually go about every other day, but I've been busy, so I've held it in." "That's not healthy and you know it. Look, we have been friends a long time, and I know you came out on account business, but also for some nostalgic sightseeing, but how would you feel about letting me examine you and treat your constipation?" "I guess that will be OK." I tried to say hesitatingly, hiding what I was thinking: (I've dreamed of this ever since I met you!)

She again took my hand and led me to her personal exam room. She was wearing dark blue scrubs which hid her figure, and I was dying to see that body. She turned facing me and said, "Let's get you out of those clothes!" and with that, she started unbuttoning my shirt. "Do all of your patients get such personalized care?" "I pride myself on going the second mile, but 'No!' we're old friends. Do you want me to stop?" "Yes, I definitely want you to stop, when you have me naked!", I laughed. She laughed and said, "Roger that!" By the time she had me stripped, my Johnson was standing at attention, ready for action. She stared straight at it and said, "I think he likes me! That's good, I like him, too! But right now, he needs to calm down." That said, she snapped my cock with her index finger close to my scrotum, and old nursing trick to deflate it. She feigned sadness, "Awww, Mr P, don't worry, you'll be happy again soon!" Looking back at my face, she ordered, "OK, Mister! Get up on the table, on your left side. It's time we got started. I expect we will be finished in time for an early dinner...you DID say you are buying." "Yep, I did." I climbed up on the table and rolled onto my left side. She pushed my right leg up so I was in Sims.

"OK, let's check your temperature. I'm betting it's 101 or 102. Constipation is accompanied by elevated temps." She pulled on a nitrile glove, plunged her index finger into the jar of Vaseline open on the side tray, and then into my waiting derriere. She rotated it around inside me, and finger fucked me a little bit, As she pulled out, "Look, Mr Johnson is excited...I think I've got his attention!" Then, as an afterthought, "Remind me to check your prostate once I get you cleaned out." "OK, I might as well get the full treatment." "Don't worry, you will get my Rolls Royce version!" Then, I felt the cold smoothness of the glass rod. She twisted it between her fingers, teasing me with the rotation of its triangular shape. "Yup, 101.3! Constipation does it every time!" She wiped off the thermometer and put it aside. I started to get up, but she said, "Not so fast, buster! I'm just starting with you!"

"What do you have in mind?" "For starters, you're getting a couple of suppositories!" "A couple?" "Well, actually a couple of couples." "Four?" "Yep, four!" As she answered, she inserted the first of four Dulcolax suppositories. By now, she knew I was into this, and she counted as she inserted, "two...three...four! Now I want you to let those work for at least thirty minutes." "NO WAY! I have trouble holding two for thirty minutes!" I couldn't help noticing that after #1, 2, 3 she pulled out. After #4, her finger was still in me. She slowly, sensually slid it in and out, watching my cock. Finally, she pulled out and slowly, gently stroked me. "Do I have your attention?" "Uh, huh." "Like it?" "Yeesssss!" "I want more of your attention." Saying this, she reached the hem of her scrubs and whisked the top off over her head, exposing those lovely breasts I spoke of earlier. By now, I had completely forgotten the four suppositories which already had my tummy churning. "How about now? Got your attention?" "OH YESSS, Nurse!" "Should I try to get your FULL attention?" "I think you already have it!" "Really, Are you sure?" This she said as she untied the waist string of her pants, allowing them to drop to the floor. "So, were you sure?" "No, but you have it now!" I'm sure she caught the earnest tone in my voice. Her mons was still covered with a full bush, and though her hair was platinum, this was still black. As I stared, she retorted, "Full disclosure: the color came from a bottle, and I did it because once upon a time twenty years ago you told me you find a thick black bush exciting. You're going to love Angie's!"

"Please, I'm cramping hard! May I please go shit?" "Yes, but you won't be going, I want to see what you produce, so use this chair." She raised the cover on an adult potty chair and motioned me over to it. I moved over and sat on the chair, exploding into it. It was gassy and very soft...the four Dulcolax suppositories had done their job well. It also stank...REALLY stank! "WHEW! You've been ripening that one! Your nurse prescribes a soapsuds enema! I know you've had them before, so you know what to do!" She let me wipe and clean up, and she removed the fecal specimen bag from the potty chair. Sealing it's zip top, she placed it in a lab fridge, saying, "We can check that under the microscope later. Want to watch me prepare your enema?" "Sure, I always admire a professional's labors." We moved to the hospital style sink in the corner of the room, and she pulled out a plastic jar filled with a white jelly substance.She ladled out about a quarter of a cup and dumped it into a 4 qt Rubbermaid Iced Tea pitcher, of clear plastic. It had been marked with a magic marker for pints and quarts. It had three qts in it. As she stirred the white gel into the water, she explained, "This is Ivory soap. I use these 1 1/2 qt jars to make the gel by placing a hand size bar in a full jug of distilled, boiled water. I let it dissolve and mix for a month and then Mix it to the desired strength." She finished stirring in the gel and poured the solution into one of the four bags I saw last evening. She helped me back onto the table and put me into knee/chest position. "OK, Mister, let's see what you're made of! I know you promised to buy dinner, but if you can hold this for thirty minutes, I'll buy!"

Celeste picked up the hose, with a barium nozzle attached and lubed both the nozzle and my anus. Immediately, I felt the nozzle penetrate my anus, and shortly after, the hot soapy enema solution. She slowed the flow into me, so that I couldn't even feel it filling me. "Oh, Angie is shutting down early, 3:00. It's almost 3:00 now. I told her she could help me, and she'll be joining us for dinner. I hope you don't mind." My mind was racing! 'Help me' with what?