I LOVE women’s asses. Everything about them, especially the beautiful, fragrant little puckered anus, begging to be penetrated. I’m an ass-man and would take a big bottom over big breasts any day (although a set of ample breasts is a beautiful thing).
That being said, I’ve noticed that a sizable percentage of the members who have left comments in this discussion prefer tight toned buttocks and actually disdain large oversized ones.
Everyone is entitled to their own preferences and their own happiness, you like what you like.
SO, I humbly DISAGREE with that preference. Here’s why...
Men are built with particular anatomical proportions, and women with their own. Women in general have wider hips, narrower waists, fuller more protruding buttocks, the tendency to accumulate subcutaneous fat on said hips and buttocks, softer skin... among other features less related to the topic. This is known as SEXUAL DIMORPHISM. The DIFFERENCES in anatomy between the sexes.
SO if I’m a man that is aroused by the body of a woman, WHY would I downplay all her natural features? Those aspects of her body that distinguish her from my own?? I want to AMPLIFY them!
WIDE HIPS, BIG SOFT CHEEKS, narrower waist, soft flesh that I can sink my fingers into, even a touch of cellulite dimpling...ALL womanly. ALL FEMININE, and the more of it, the BETTER.
If I wanted a toned athletic body, I’d go for some college age male athlete or something, and I’m not interested in young men.
I’ve had this debate hundreds of times throughout the years, and people bring up the racial stereotypes, which is just what they are; assumptions based on stereotypes. Black and Latino guys are supposed to love bigger more full figured women while white and Asian guys love thin toned ones.
I’m not black ( although I am half Hispanic, I’m also half Caucasian) and there’s plenty of black and Hispanic guys that I know who want nothing to do with a woman’s excess flesh. I’m proud to be one of those who break the mold. Their loss.
Just a note here, I do NOT like it when women have huge bellies that protrude and hang down, sometimes down to their knees (a pannus) YUCK GROSS. But I know their is a whole subculture of men that do like that. To each his own...but eww.
Here’s to the BBWs and ZAFTIG. I’m on your side, ladies. Athletic girls; take it easy. Sit down, relax, and eat a sandwich. Embrace the gift of feminine FLESH.