I to from the start, even before I was excited by it was attracted to girls bottoms .At first it was thinking of them getting there temp taken or getting a enema. This was when zI was a child, and had no idea of what sex was. I just knew it was done to me,( the temperatures and enemas ) and wondered what it was like for them to e laying there with there's spread and anus exposed . Back then for some reason I knew there was a difference with the front of them, but had no idea what a vigina was or what it was used for. Back then I was just interested in bottoms. Maybe not just female , because back then I was not sure if or what the difference was.
As I got older and sexually matured , I started to understand the difference , and even though I was I was interested in female parts , still not fully understanding I was still interested mainly in there bottoms ( behinds) but now I were also interested in breasts . Not so much in vafinas, although there was a curiosity. By then 11 ,I would sneak a look at playboy , but when I did I would feel a need to take a enema , mostly self administered , but once in a while was able to convince Mom I was not well , which always involved the enema bag.
By 16 I started to jerk off looking at pictures of girls bottoms from dirty magazines , but now had a interest in vaginas, understood what they were for . To get close to the real thing , I developed a interest in my Moms and sisters dirty panties. Smelled them, examined them, touched the crouch , yes I also slipped them on. Looking at how the covered my bottom. I was about19 when I actually saw and touched a vagina , but was more interested in touching and rubbing her bottom. I kissed her cheeks , licked them, she seemed to enjoy that, till I touched her anus. She got very upset, got dressed told me never to touch that again. I didn't even though I wanted too. But understood if I tried that would end it. I did finally get into her vagina, which didn't go well. It was great for me, but I was so excited I didn't last long enough. After the excitement passed and we tried again I was so small I kept popping out of her. So it ended there. The girl was experienced knew what to expect , but didn't get that from me.
I married my wife who also was experienced, when I could not satisfy her , we entered the cuckold chastity / hot wife lifestyle. I still never got into her anus , but before sex with her stopped did touch it and kiss it .
But after she started to date, she would come home and tell me all about it as she unlocked me and let me jerk off ( my reward for being a good cuckold , chaste , sub ) about her taking a lover in her ass. Something I never was able to get her to let me do. I begged her for the chance to try . She said No, that is for a real man. I begged telling her I want to know what it's like. She said ok went and got her dildo and used it on my ass, sticking it in me making me accept it. She said now you know what it feels like.....toni