I feel like an adult , a toddler and a baby. But would like to be a full time toddler and baby. Adulthood is overrated!
When I an wearing my cloth diapers and either my pink or yellow plastic panties I feel like very naughty sissy toddler that refuse to potty train. Right now for the last three weeks I have to wear a catheter and I'm missing my diapers and plastic pants and I am asking if it is okay to pin on my cloth diapers and my plastic pants over the catheter?
Well Smartiepants, I think that a two to three year old girl should get a lot of laxative foods like prunes and prune juice to prevent constipation. Perhaps, if she does not make a poo for two days a dose of M&O will move things along promptly but her mommy or daddy should be ready to give a lot of diaper care for the next few hours. A&D ointment is excellent to protect the skin of the girls bottom and the diaper should be well powdered. This toddler needs to be watched carefully so she does not get seriously bound up.
I love being a toddler but im always kept in diapers 24/7. a few reasons why i love being a toddler first being slightly handicapped i cant crawl around on da floor but i can waddle around with or with out braces. second when you r 2 3 or 4 if you can eat big boy food even if mommy or daddy needs to cut it for ya. Third if you a bit naughty (depending what you do) sometimes its cute & only get a few chuckles .Also just as babys you still get lots of cuddles & loveing. also being a toddler i still can suck my thumb a habit i have for over 48 years.
A baby for me to wake up and find I have wet and messed my diaper and having to weight for mommy to change and feed me
I like being a toddler!, I can crawl, babble, say a few words, have my own mind, have cuddles when I want, tell Daddy when I need a change.Eat big girl stuff.Snuggle with my bear and dummy.I also get to misbehave, be cheeky.I don't know what Daddy is thinking either.
Well,I prefer to be a wittle BABY girl,but progression can NEVER be stopped so I will someday be a TODDLER wittle girl!!
I think of myself as a fully diapered 2-3 YO toddler, able to talk, but still with my binkey, bottles and messy diapers. I like toddler clothes with snaps in the crotch to make changing diapers easier. I can talk, be silly, and enjoy story books, either read to me or telling the story myself by looking at the pictures.Helpless infants just don't seem to have as much fun as little kids...
For me I love being a 2 year old toddler. You get to have fun toys, play outside on the swing, wear fun dresses and be a little show off.not that i would refuse being breast feed. but i eat baby food and still use a bottle. But being a slow learner you still need diapers, and drink from your baba. I think the best part is when I climb in my crib at night lay back and drink my baba, watch my kushies Baby zolo Crib mobile just above me. Sweet dreams are coming.No worries be happy
Being a toddler is so much more fun for me and my playmummy jade because i get to wear pretty dresses and do my colouring.I still wear diapys and rhumbas because i have accidents if i drink to much juice and doing a weewee in front of jades friends is sooooo embaressing especially in the backgarden where they all know 😃.
Toddler,& older, still in diapers, perhaps as old as 5 years old, or even 10 years , old enough for a very hard spanking, pacifiers & baby bottle!! Oh did I mention y onesie, & plastic diaper pants cover & baby bib! Very wet diaper, very recently spanked bottom, hard & long! then put in my crib with a pacifier!
I love to take care of a little girl about six years old. She can talk and play but has some problems with controlling her urine and she is too busy to respond to the need to poop so she gets bound up occasionally and needs some help to get herself cleaned out. She likes to play but occasionally has a small injury which requires attention until it heals or gets a sprain and has to have help to recover. All in all, she is a handful but loads of fun.
I want my little charges to be able to mouth off to me if upset, and find out the consequences of this behavior. I also like deliberate misbehavior pushing the line to see how much they can get away with.
I think of myself as a 3-5 year old still fully in diapers but old enough to know the rules but push the limits.
Pretty much the same here. Old enough to know better, but still in diapers because I'm naughty and like to wet / poop them anyway.
Depending what mood I am in & who I am around at the time often determines whether I am a toddler, playing & having fun or in a relaxing, loving, attentive, nurturing baby mood.
Now that I think about it I do act more like a toddler then a baby but then again I would like to experience how it feels to be a baby.
I am always a toddler between 18 months and 3 years and ways in thick bulky cloth diapers and yellow and/or pink plastic panties over them
I like to act like a little. I don't have a specific age really. I have a pacifier, some teething toys, and baby toys. It's a confort thing. I like to absentmindedly chew on things. I'm not a fan of bottles, formula, and real "baby" stuff though.
Being a fulltime toddler is what I truly want. and to wear diapers because I have a weak bladder and needing baby toys because I am insecure.
Lil amy I would love to have a toddler like you. I would give you softeners and prunes so you would not be able to control yourself and fill your diaper several times a day. If you did not make a BM every day you would have to have enemas.Lil amy is a healthy girl and probably will not need antibiotics but if she does need them we will choose an injection and she will have to be restrained because she fusses so much.
Im in for all kinds of babying diapers pull-ups potty training you name it i only go as young as 2 nothing lower
I like to be forced into being treated like 2-3 year old, in diapers and any other humiliating instruments pacifiers, diaper covers, etc.
I have fond recollections of diapers going back to when I was rushed out of diapers @ 2....oddly, I adore the idea of being a teen-baby and being put back into diapers by my step-mother...for making fun of my bed-wetting half-brother, who was/is 7 years younger. So, my fantasies range from 2-15.
I love being a toddler. I like being between 2-4 years old but, i usually don't like to put an age on my play time or just being me. My toddler side loves to use his potty words like, poopy, peepee, potty, diapey, and so on. I use other toddler words too. My toddler side loves to anounce he is going potty in his diaper or whatever or what his diaper's condition is in. I love doing potty training stuff, either making it to my potty or not, or just going in my diaper and loving it. I wear diapers, pull-ups (adult pull-ups), or undies.I sometimes use my bottle but, I mainly use my sippy cup or my fun rocket-ship-spiral-straw cup.
I actually act like a toddler because I do not have a mommy or daddy if I had a mommy or daddy then I could be a baby and having someone to take care of me. I think it would be great to have someone take care of me that way they can bathe me feed me dress me and change my diapers I would be in my glory.
I'd prefer to be an older toddler - say 3-5 years. That way I'm mobile, talkative, probably more naughty and fully aware of my bed and pants wetting. The embarrassment and humiliation that comes from having to wear nappies when the other boys my age are all toilet trained is a big turn on.
I was potty trained too early (fully trained by 18 months according to my mom). Forcing this milestone upon me so early, as well as the spankings I was getting at this early age both seemed to have contributed to my diaper fetish. I remember being jealous of the other kids who at 2 or even 3 sometimes wore diapers. As a result I would ideally like to role play any age between 2-4, especially 4, because it starts to become embarassing around then...