"Scotty 95"
You are almost the only one to relate school physicals where the boy's students after undressing in boxer briefs in a locker room had to walk for a short distance ( according to you) in a corridor to go to a gym where the examination took place with several stations and could be seen by a group of girls having learned (by rumors) that the boys had that day their physical examination in the gym and would pass through this corridor and came in the corridor to see you in boxer briefs and whistle at you.
If it was me, I would have been very embarrassed. You have said that you might have run the gaunlet of girls so it means that they were not aside the wall but in the middle of the corridor very close to you and that there was a lot of girls, is it right?
I assume that you were not left alone in the locker room but supervised by a Pe teacher or a coach, did he come with you in the corridor? why did he said about the presence of the girls?
You said that it was at senior school, so from 14 to 17 or 18 age ?
was it the same each year of school or only one time ?
I know that it was in Scotland
It is surprising for me because generally there was a complete separation between boys and girls and even if the respect of the privacy of boys was not the main issue and their modesty a big deal, the girls had no opportunity to see them undressed.
At these physicals did the girls have also the opportunity to look at your examinations by the windows of the gym ? could they see something ?
I know that they could not see you naked since you were in the nude only behind a screen and for a short time for inspection of the penis with retraction of the foreskin and palpation of the balls, nevertheless it was odd for me.
I could not understand why the authorities of the school did not protect your privacy much by forbidden to the girls to come in this corridor.
Normally at school, there could not be a move in a corridor of several students without a good reason and a supervision of adults.
how was it possible at your school ?
And was the reverse also possible, did you see one year a class of girls undressed in bras and panties walking through the corridor to go to the gym for an examination ?
or were their examinations always performed ,in an other place than the gym?
Was it a school with a double standard regulation as regards the physical examinations of boys and girls?