I think I am more interested in reality in a way, but of course it's fantasy, and it's sexual, so I'd have to have a wee bit of eroticism as well.
I was reading an article about a cross country runner who was told (not sure if by her doctor or by her coach or school admin) that she would be required to start wearing a mask during runs because of her asthma. But either way, ever since, I've imagined her going with her coaches or whoever to her fit testing for a mask. I imagine that to be rather formal and medical and such.
But then I imagine her that night playing around with her mask. Putting it on her face and laying down and masturbating with it on before bed.
I suppose the masturbation part could be moved up to the actual fit test exam, and the nurse that assisted her in putting each mask on could mask up the student and then lay her on the exam table, with a pillow, and stick her hand under the student's panties until she came. Repeat for each mask that's being tried out:
https://www.facebook.com/resprosingapore/photos/pcb.866668246785769/866667626785831/?type=3&theater Respro mask
https://www.instagram.com/p/BOzWGEQjLZE/?taken-by=fight2breathe half-mask cartridge respirator
http://s195.photobucket.com/user/jaki232/media/IMG_2180.jpg.html 3M 1860 or other N95 disposable.