I high and dry now.soon changing for the night.i wear 2 night weight adult prefold and add 3toddler night weight overnight prefolds as soakers,pined on with comco pull on plastic pants.i'm good for at least 12 hours.
In a fresh clean tena maxi slip and plastic pants ready for bed. No doubt it will be soaking wet by morning.
Two molicare super plus in medium, plus two abri-let maxi boosters (slits cut in the inner diaper), still dry, still smelling of baby powder 😃
Well, here i've been in a wet one since 12 today and it feel great. did the banana trick under half an hour ago waiti for stuff to blow...
Wearing three abena M4s and two abri-let maxi boosters over my metal chastity cage - still dry (been using the potty like a big boy) but definitely sticky from straining against my chastity cage.
Working from home in 3 diapers and 3 boosters. diaper is starting to gwt wet. Planning on keeping it on till around 9pm. So another 8 hours to go
Friday morning... Cup of coffee, reading Zity. Just a minute lemme see.... Yep, soaking wet. Good thing I had my plastic pants on my night time diapers last night...
A very wet tena maxi slip under my nylon pants. It is so warm and comforting I don't want to change just yet. It has been on since 10 pm last night and we are fast approaching dinner time. I might manage one more wetting before it leaks and I'm forced to change.
Just changed out of a very soaked & thickly layered diaper into two fresh Abena M4s + two abri-let maxi boosters, following my morning shower. my chastity cage came off for cleaning, but I relocked myself diligently. my mommy's not around until later tonight, so I easily could've been naughty, but Babyboy20 gave me the moral support to stay locked in chastity beneath my diapers!now to just find a suitably cute outfit to wear at home today...
Just changed and cleaned up by my sister.I am in my normal daytime weight cloth diaper which is 2 birdseye with liner,and plasti c panty of course.I am ONLY in my diapers and plastic panty in my nursery typing away on puter.Just LOVING life!!!!
3Right now i have a soft dry cloth diaper on and a pair of pink rubber pants (or plastic pants) on over the top. My diapers are nice and thick and thirsty!!! I am thinking of ordering a pizza..hmm..
A< very wet tena maxi pad, mesh fixing pants and incon pants under my plastic pants. I should change but it feels so nice.
Northshorecare supreme, slightly wet, and i'll change when it's at capacity. I don't want to WASTE the diaper!
Just had 2 suppositories pushed up into me,by my mommy on my changing table.This time she put on me one of my Awww so cute pink teddie bear diapers.My mommy also told me,I was going to be kept strapped to my changing table,until my diaper WAS messy.She told me,That I haven't had a messy diaper for 3 days now,and I was getting very cranky.So that is ALWAYS a sign that the baby(me) was getting constipated,and needed some help.My diaper is fresh and clean and sweet smelly with the fresh baby powder,but soon it will not be.My older sister just slipped a pacifer between my lips,and I immediatly began nursing it.
Laying in bed,mildly wet, should change. No its a bambino should hold me thru the night. I'll be soaking wet.I know. Sometimes I just love drowning in my pee!
I have been in my Abena diaper since 8:00 p.m. last night. It is saturated wet and very full in both the front and back. I plan to change in about a couple of hours , when I go to have a shower , and dress in diapers , rubber bloomers , and a t-shirt , for the day
Quite damp tena comfort extra pad. It will go a while yet. I normally change about 3 times a day now.
Just put on a dry diaper..Abena L4 with 2 thick boosters and rubber pants. Wish my GF was here with me...
Currently dry I just woke up and I am off to work I just changed my self an should stay dry for about a hour or maybe just less than a hour . I will change my self 5 times at work to insure no leaks
I'm lucky enough to be home alone this morning, so I'm sitting here in thick cloth diapers that I slept in and wet all night long and they're nice and warm and wet (and getting wetter). Over those I'm wearing a pair of Lollidots plastic panties. And just a few minutes ago I pooped a big load in them and they feel wonderful!I'm also sitting here wearing a white t-shirt that says "I (Heart) Wet Stinky Diapers". In the bedroom my diaper pail is full of the ones I've been wetting for the last few days. In just a little while I'm going to be going in there and having some fun (wink wink).
I am currently in my thick overnight cloth diapers with plastic pants.i am very wet.i have been in these diapers 12 hours since midnight last night.comfortable,but have to change and start my day in about 30 minutes.
Right now at this my current cloth diaper and plastic pants are slowly expanding....I checked them a while ago like I always do..because I am incontinent and do not get the potty message anymore...and realized I was pooping my pants,it probably started a few seconds or so earlier...but it is not very often at all that I ever find this information out till after the deed is done...looks very much like my next trip before going anywhere else will be to the shower..then I will have a fresh diaper and rubber pants changing
Currently ONLY wet,no messies.Mommy will be checking to see if I need a change before MY nightly bottle of Similac formula,soon I am sure.