Judging by your time zone and the hour of your posting, that means you have been wearing the same diaper for 17-18 hours if you put it on around midnight.How do you NOT have to "go" and have a dry clean diaper for that many hours?Judging by your comments on here, YOU need to STFU and stop bullying and stop intimidating people. You keep this up, I am gona REPORT you
Judging by your comments on here, YOU need to STFU and stop bullying and stop intimidating people. You keep this up, I am gona REPORT youI asked Anoldguy a simple question and he gave a direct, straight-forward reasonable answer.What is your problem?
I asked Anoldguy a simple question and he gave a direct, straight-forward reasonable answer.What is your problem?You Bitch because you like to bully, intimidate and harass me and anyone you find iky. Now if you don't cut it out, i'm gona bitch slap you into next week
SwitchableSusie saidI asked Anoldguy a simple question and he gave a direct, straight-forward reasonable answer.What is your problem?.Diaperkat saidYou Bitch because you like to bully, intimidate and harass me and anyone you find iky. Now if you don't cut it out, i'm gona bitch slap you into next weekDid you bother to read what I asked him or his reply?
.Did you bother to read what I asked him or his reply?Did you bother to stop harassing & bullying people or do I have to smack you silly
Well it is almost bedtime and I am hoping the bladder does not "let go" again as current nappy is dangerously wet, so will make my way upstairs to put on all my nightime attire.Wishing you all a very good night (and may it be a wet one !)Goodnight.
Right now i am wearing a tena slip maxi and plastic pants. i have had it on since i had a shower at 7.30, its now 11.15 . I have wet about 4 times and its holding up well, will probably last till about 13.00 then will change for the afternoon.
Abri-form M3 here plus rubber pants (latex).I'm wet and pooped right now. I just poop once in a while, almost never, but today was the day.
When I woke up this morning since an hour, wearing my cloth diapers and plastic pants and my diapers are very soaked like most mornings, I have to wait for my wife to get up to give me the ok to wash me and put my disposable diapers for the day.
Wearing Tena Flex. Current status is fairly dry, on hang on a sec...................nope not dry any more.
A wet coop own brand and plastic pants on top. Needs to last an hour before I take them off and start the day.
Had a hospital appointment this morning and was asked to have a full bladder before the scan, and I did until I got to the room with the scanner in it, boy did that Tena maxi slip come in handy ?Had the scan on a very empty bladder.However all with my bladder apart from the usual missbehaviour I have to put up with.I have only just realised that I have been in that same nappy for nearly 8 hours plus and it now needs changing.The point here is that I would have been on my second perhaps even third iD slip at this point in the day ?I need to get more Tena ?
It's 6;54 am in the morning ,I am wet & messy and my aide I'll be here soon to correct that.it takes him ten minutes to clean and change versus hours to do it myself. I am wearing a triple boosted Angelfluff super heavyweight night diaper with rubber bloomers & long sleeve long let winter weight onesie to secure everything in place ,although today is test day I just got Northeuores new MEGAMAXX diapers in do today instead of my usual cloth ,I will torture test b these new bucks and see how they perform !
5:23PM, I woke up at 1:00PM and still wearing my wet night diaper (abri-form m3) with rubber pants (latex ones).
Sat here with my normal disposable nappy with a stuffer on and have now had it on for 3 hours, wet it 3 times already and am hoping it will not leak before I go to bed in 4 hours time.It feels really comfortable and of course nice and warm.Keeping everything in place are 3 small stretch pants and a nice new PUL plastic pant, heaven ?
Sat here, Abri-form m3 and blue latex pants. Almost all the windows blinds are fully open, so I'm wearing a T-shirt and crossfit shorts.
The current state of my diaper? My wife all just changed my diaper,I was so wet this night,she must go out shopping, she added a lining in my fabric layer and made me keep the same plastic pants the day before, even he still had a little pee in it, she said that my diaper should be ok enough until she comes back, so for the moment my diaper is clean and dry!??
Ahh, I used to hate Mondays. Now that I'm retired, they're the best! Everything nice and quiet. The wife is off to work, so it's me, Zity and my diaper. I woke this morning with that surprised feeling I get when I find my diaper wet and have no recall how that happened. I realize that I've just wet the bed. Had it not been for my diapers, I'd be cleaning up the bed sheets. It's both exciting and kind of scary. There are times when I would rather not wear my diaper to bed. Like when I'm in a situation where it would be inconvenient staying at a hotel with others. That said, it's so nice waking up warm and damp with the faint scent of a wet diaper. So now I'm up and after a cup of coffee my diaper is no loner wet. It's soaked. I think I'll have another cup of coffee....
Diaper is currently a bit wet. Just come back from London and wet the diaper whilst on the tube. I need to go so let out a series of controlled wees. I’ll change when a go to bed.
Feeling a little low this morning and decided to spruce things up a little. Wearing diapers 24/7 for a medical need and being a DL Sometimes gets depressing. I have a tendency to this a few different things to help this.Sometimes wearing a AB/DL printed diapers or just being more on the kinky side with a chastity cage or a butt plug or both. Sometimes all of it.This morning I decided to go all out! I'm currently wearing Northshores premium plastic disposable diaper with a full length booster pad. Along with my Njoy butt plug with a sissy chastity cage. All in one package.As I'm posting this now it's been for six hours. My disposable diaper is half way to it's capacity and I'm not as depressed thanks to my kinky attachments.To sum it all up for current condition would be full of kinky metal and getting wetter. Sometimes you just have to think outside of the box!
I usually wear plain white cloth pre-folds with 3 cloth boosters and white rubber pants to bed each night. Nothing fancy and they were soaked when I woke up this morning. After my wife and I had our morning coffee, she changed me and decided I would look good today in my Kins Salty Dogs cloth pre-folds and pink rubber pants. The pre-folds are pink with figures of sailboats, anchors, puppies and the like on them. I've had them on now for three hours so far and I've wet them twice so they are more than a little damp, but feel so comfy, warm and wet against my skin. My wife loves to dress me in child like diapers and rubber pants. She insists that a grown man who won't potty train and goes around all day wearing diapers and rubber pants and going potty in them and wetting himself deserves to treated like a child and should be dressed as one as well. Her best friend is coming over this afternoon for brunch and she told me to be good while she was here.
White (actually yellow now) Megamax I’ve been in for 6 hours and I’ve peed in it 3 times I’ll probably pee one more time and poop in it before I have a shower and diaper up before work.
Hi, diaper is currently on me and spotless………However, i cant poop so ive pushed a soap stick up my bum, so im expecting to fill it in around an hour, it went in around 20 past 3 uk time.Wish i had an assistant or at least observer, but hey.