In regard to maintenance spankings, I sincerely support this practice. Whether you are administering or receiving the spanking, the mutual acceptance of the spanking will bring both of you closer together. As an example of this, a few years ago I had become intimate friends with a female coworker who also lived close by to me. During the course of our enjoyable get togethers I decided it was time I gave her a spanking. When I related this to her, I will always remember her response, “all right, how do you want me?” She was clearly very agreeable to my spanking her, so I utilized the "tried & true" of taking a seat in a chair, gently guiding her across my lap and then removing her lower garments baring her lovely round butt. I regularly work out so even just using my open hand I can swat pretty hard but to my surprise as soon as she was in position she inquired, "are you going to use your belt?" Getting to my point, after administering the spanking, comforting her and the sex that followed, we began to discuss my spanking her. This lady really put it into accurate perspective. Basically, as follows:
As an adult, consenting to a spanking from somewhat, this is an expression of your desire to be closer to them and become the friend to them that others are not. It is also an expression from the person giving you the spanking that they desire you to be accountable to them and want you to be more aware of your behavior and such when you are in contact with them. Of course, this sharing enhances your sex too!
As our friendship progressed, I soon took my turn across her lap, and I experienced everything she so accurately described. We certainly had become the friends to each other that anyone else was not,,,,,,,,,,the point being that regularly administered maintenance spankings are in fact conducive to becoming a very special and closeknit intimate relationship.