The first Genital exam that I remember having, was at Junior School at the age of eleven, The School Doctor started checking your scalp, (presumably for livestock living in your hair), then moved down to my Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth. I was already in just my underpants, (as all us lads were). He then put his freezing cold stethoscope on my chest, asking me to breath in, then out, several times. He did this several times all over my Torso - front and back.
Then he got closer to my underpants and without warning, pulled them down about nine inches. Looked at my Genitalia, then looked up at me and said “Oh you're Circumcised”. I didn't actually reply to this, as I was frightened that I might be in trouble - because of it !! (remember I was only 11, and didn't know it was a perfectly normal thing for some boys). He didn't actually do the hernia test, maybe they don't do it at that age ? Anyway, He told me to pull my pants up, and he carried on down each leg, to my feet, checking everywhere. That was the end of my first Medical that involved a Genital check. It is funny that I have never had a ‘back passage’ check at any Medical check - very strange !
The next Medical I remember, that involved checking the Genitals, was at Senior School, when I was about fifteen. Amongst other tests (as above). They did do the hernia test this time, by the “cough & balls” method. There obviously was no problem there, as nothing was said to me, and no comment was made about my ‘cut’ penis either. The mentioned Genital checks are the only ones I've ever had. There was never any ‘feeling & fondling’ in that area, for any other checks, (other than the Hernia test I mentioned).
I don't think they use the “cough & balls” method of checking for hernia's anymore, because during a more recent medical check, the Doctor did it by placing a hand on my stomach, just above the pubic area and just below the Navel, then asked me to cough. This was done whilst I was lying horizontally. Maybe a genuine Doctor on here could comment on that procedure ?