I'm also in my 70's, and enjoy a good enema (actually, several); before my wife and I got together, I gave to myself several times a week, and my sexual energy was extremely high. Once we began our life together, my self-giving dropped to almost nothing and most of the enemas I got, she gave. However, the frequency dropped, as I gave to her MUCH more than she gave to me. Recently, and due to her sleep issues, we've begun sleeping separately. No other changes in our relationship at all, and we get along extremely well...she just can't sleep well with me in the bed. She has become a night insomniac and sleeps a lot of the day.
So lately, and with more free time, I've turned back to my old habits: enemas every day or two, with a full cleanout at least every third day. Needless to say, I feel much better all the time. In addition, my libido has skyrocketed. I now wake up every morning with "Morning Wood,," and I am as hard as when I was a teenager. I still do have some of those over 70 experiences (not quite the wild energy I had earlier in life, etc.), but the libido increase caught me a bit by surprise. I've always had a very high sex drive, but it had decreased just a bit the last couple years. It's back now, greater than in quite a while. Dangit! Wish my wife was awake...
Anyone else experience this, or have an idea why it has happened, OTHER than psychology? It's almost certainly physiological, because it seems directly connected to the enemas themselves and the internal stimulation involved. It's almost like I'm on a Viagra drip...