I like to try and take at least one every day. if I miss a day or two I'll take two or three the next time I get the chance to relax and take them
I take my enema about once a week. Almost always on the weekend. My session usually consists of a 2 - 3 qt soapy enema and couple of 2-3 qt plain water rinses.Caff
I'm rather prudent, I take 2 quarter enemas twice every week, sometimes a 3 1/2 enema once in a week, personally I believe that too frequent enemas are not good for my health, but I'm not very sure if my opinion is correct or too conservative...
I take enemas three to four times a week and nearly always use warm/hot water and done this for many years and feel this is being sensible and not taking any health risks.
I take an enema series once or twice a month. Start with 2 qts then increase volume up to 4 qts. I love that heavy distended feeling inside my body.
Due to radiation colitis, Iwas doing one 2 qt. every other day, but since returning to full time work, I don't have the time now. So, it's usually Sun. and Wed. night. If I don't do this, I start leaking and that's just not consistant with a workday. The more empty I keep the colon, the fewer spasms I experience.
I take 2 enemas once a week, sometimes more often. I have a Klystra one gallon bag and various nozzles. I start with castille soap, then a rinse. I usually go solo. Eager to find an e-partner to give them to me
I like to take one in the morning. i take a quart of watered coffee makes my day quite barable.i take 2 quart bags at night maybe twice to three times a week usually just 1 unless bf distracts me during the first and i have to expell.
I take an enema on Sunday morning and have been doing so for over 5 years. Before that I usually took one during the week. I started taking enemas before I was a teen and have never stopped using them. For the most part, I take a warm four quart soap suds enema with a retention nozzle – I like to hold it for 5 to 10 minutes. I follow with several cool salt water rinses. There are times when I will take a second enema during the week – today is going to be one of those days! [/font][/size]
I may have an enema at the rate of one a month for six months then I won't have another for three or four months.I seem to know when I need an enema.I think diet has a lot to do with it. If I eat a high protein diet my body will tell me its time for an enema.I am heading towards a high fruit and vegetable diet as I get older and I may end up a vegetarian. Thinking about this given how much I enjoy that feeling when the fluid first goes in maybe I will always have an enema at some stage. hehehe
On average, two between monthly colonics. The culprit is a bunch of constipating drugs. As a child, two or three a year from mom's enema can, generally when sick in bed and unable to go by myself.
I don't have a set time, only when i get a whim to do enemas, or actually need a clean out. that would change if i had a lady with same interest. i usually give my self 2 qts of water and sea salt every now and then i take 4qts. i even use a double balloon, it feels so good, once inside and inflated but i have been thinking of getting a JBL, I think that's what it's called
I like to space them so my colon doesn't iratable on me. But usually will do a 2 day session with the second days activities at my Colon therapist.2qt SSE, with castile sopa, then a colon tube SSE so its clear...then a cool 3 qt rinse with my ballooon nozzleNext day I'll get a massage, then another enema session, 3 qt SSE (since I'm cleaned out) then 4 qt rinse...then a 2 qt Coffee retention enema.Then maybe 3 days later need a little help to get that first stool out...usually dry.
I had a Dr. recommend a daily coffee enema. He has no problems with this frequency. The benefits for me are great.klyster3
Rectal rinses daily if I can make it, high colonic rinses frequently in intervals, sometimes two a day. Seems to have only positive effects, I have not had one sick-day off work in 35 years!Unfortunately, I am unable to insert a colon tube for any length into the colon, a deep penetration would be the ultimate?
I take one cleansing enema followed by a coffee enema every week. The cleansing enema is a soapy 2 qt., and the coffee enema is 1 pint retained for 15 minujtes.
Usually, I can only take my enemas when the enema warden is off to work once a week. But there are also many other activities that can take priority. So, for me its usually about 2 times per month for a good clean out taking in about 3 1/2 qts and followed by a rinse. Normal BM returns in about 2 to 3 days. I almost never take enough enemas in a series to get a clear return.
I usually take 2 or 3 enemas in a series during the week-end, if I can find the time. Wish I had more time.
I have a series of enemas about twice a week. I start with a 2 qt, then a 4qt, then try a 6qt but usually make it to about 5.5qt. (I marked the bag with measurements).
Hi Miriam! -- I think your frequency is about right. My mother, who is a nurse by training, always said that more than once a week was too much as you develop a dependency as many do with laxatives. -- DD
Once a month usually is all I can manage in that I am in the closet enema wise because the wife does not do enemas.
I started using enemas a little later in life so my frequency is only based on the last few years. Currently I have a quick cleanout maybe once or twice a week. This involves a relatively small enema that just clears the rectum and maybe the lower colon. Maybe as much as a quart of warm water. A couple of times a month I do a deeper session that includes 2-3 quarts and soap. So far my BM have returned to normal after about a day and half so I don't think Im becoming dependant and when its just impossible to have a good cleanout I don't seem to get too clogged up, but I sure would like to do more enemas. 😄