I was sedated once when I got my wisdom teeth removed.
3 in one go - because I wouldn't have another one or two appointments to remove the teeth one by one, even if dead.
I am always really nervous especially at the dentist (it will never become my favorite medical fetish, trust me...).
So first I didn't believe when I was told that being sedated is really putting away the stress, makes me calm and chilled while the procedure and I likely won't even remember much of it.
But the moment the anesthesist came in and layed the access port (the needle with the connector, don't know the right word), I once again was told to stay calm and everything.
And yes. They were true. It's really 'I don't give a fuck'-shot they give you. It's a little numbing, makes you weary.
I wasn't out, I didn't dream or something, as far as I can remember I was awake the whole time. I can remember the procedure, smells and sounds especially.
But it didn't bother me - I mean the whole area is locally anesthesised you don't feel anyhting besides pressure anyways. But neither the sound of breaking teeth nor the smell of burnt flesh (when they atrophy the blood vessels) you just don't stress out.
It's like watching yourself, not as a out-of-body-experience or something, but the procedure happens to someone else you share the body with by chance.
Instead of panicking - what I would have done otherwise, It was more of an interesting experience. It takes a while until you can really think (and walk) straight again and the anesthetic ceases after a few hours.
But yeah. I remember the procedure as something interesting. Don't have any nightmares about it, don't be frightened to do it again (I still wish to avoid it for obvious reasons, though).