I had a childhood experience of getting unnecessary medication up my butt, thanks to a nasty relative who brought me to the doc.
Some background: My parents and relatives had an obsession with ensuring their children maintained regular bowel habits. Their laxative of choice was the suppository, which was administered to me at home, whether I liked it or not. But there was one time my aunt managed to persuade the doctor to administer a suppository to me in the examination room.
She had brought me to the doctor's as I had a fever, and my parents were at work. As I sat in the waiting room, I was puzzled and self-conscious to see my aunt and a nurse discussing something while glancing repeatedly at me.
When my name was called, I entered the doctor's office together with my aunt, and sat down next to his desk. After taking my temperature, he said that it was a only a mild fever. Then he looked carefully at my face and told me that I needed to move my bowels more often. Poor innocent me actually thought he could tell my bowel habits from my face. It was only later that I realized my aunt's treachery. She must have told him via the nurse that I wasn't moving my bowels.
He directed me to the examination couch. I tried to climb up, but the hefty nurse quickly lifted me by my hips onto the couch and told me to lie down. I saw the doctor talk to another nurse, who then took something from a fridge and handed it to him.
Suddenly the big nurse reached for my waist, and in one swift motion pulled my shorts down, together with my panties. I barely had enough time to realize my private parts were exposed, much less feel embarrassment, when she crossed my ankles and with one arm lifted my legs high up in the air. I knew what was coming. Due to an earlier painful suppository experience, I asked repeatedly if it would hurt. The doctor was silent. I could not see what he was doing at my butt, because the pants around my knees blocked my view. But to his credit, I did not feel any pain, and perhaps he used a lubricant. When it was over the nurse released my legs but didn't bother to help me get dressed. I remember having to awkwardly unroll my panties which had rolled into a cord when she pulled them down. When I was decent again, we left the doctor's office, with me a bit dazed by what had just happened.