I've written here about this before, but I'll share a bit about it again.
I absolutely positively hated pooping growing up. I hated the smell, the feeling of it, and missing out on whatever else was going on, so even when I felt like I had to go, I’d try my damndest to hold it in. This, of course, made me more and more constipated and made it feel even worse when I actually did poop, which only furthered my hatred of it all in general.
At some point during my childhood, my parents took note of all of this. They tried a number of diet related and other things but eventually the topic was brought up with my doctor who suggested a few other remedies, but suggested if none of those worked quickly to try a suppository.
Fast forward some time, and while I had gotten a couple suppositories by this time, I still held it in and fought any attempt to make me poop. My parents talked to my doctor and they actually X-rayed my belly to ensure nothing weird was going like I wasn’t blocked somehow. I wasn’t, I just really hated pooping.
Anyway, the routine quickly became every afternoon before my nap (on days I took one) my parents would usually have me sit on the toilet to try, and if I couldn’t/wouldn’t, they’d proceed as usual - wash my face and hands with a wash rag, and put me down for a nap. Once I woke up, it was often back to the toilet to try again. Unless I pooped, I could generally expect to have to try before bed that night, and every morning when I woke up. But usually, after a couple of days of not pooping, and before my nap, I’d usually get a suppository (or more) and my squirming, kicking, running, screaming, etc. would usually result in a threat of going to the doctor for “several” of them. That happened once, actually.
I have a very vivid memory of one afternoon getting ready for my nap and my mom was helping me get undressed to get into my pajamas. There was no toilet time that day, but that wasn’t super unusual. She asked my dad to get a wet wash rag from the bathroom (to wash my face and hands as usual). As he was in the bathroom getting a wash rag, she hollered into him “and a large towel while you’re at it”. I still didn’t think much of it, and my mom plopped me off the bed where I was sitting on to the ground, and my dad came out and spread out the towel on the bed. I then realized what was going on and tried to run, but was quickly grabbed, placed on my back, and my legs were hoised over my head and in went at least two suppositories. I hated that.
Now I usually do a suppository or three before an enema series. Crazy how we can change like that, huh?