I think even teachers, had they been able to, would have routinely spanked on the bare backside! And in actual fact, on a few occasions this actually happened! Even though, strictly speaking, it was against the rules; no action was ever taken against them!
I attended school, (pre-school thru 12th grade) in the 1960's and 70's, in a small rural ranching community, where I lived on a small family ranch on the outskirts of a small town/municipality. As teenagers, my sisters and I worked on large cattle ranches farther outside of town. Everything about how we were raised was founded in traditional old-west ranching culture.
My sisters and I knew that Mom and Dad would not hesiate to correct our misbehaviors with Mom's hairbrush-sized paddle, Dad's leather strap, Dad's carpenter's ruler, and/or freshly cut switches. When a dreaded switch was deemed necessary, Mom would send us to the apple orchard to cut/fetch a switch from an apple tree, or Dad would send us to the river bank to cut/fetch a river willow switch.
Mom would put us over her lap for disipline with the hairbrush paddle, or bend us over the dining room table for disipline with an apple switch. Mom ALWAYS bared our bottoms. For me, this meant pulling down my pants (usully blue jeans) and underpants before going over her lap or over the table. For my sisters, this meant jeans down and panties down, OR skirt/dress lifted up and panties down.
Discipline from Dad meant an "appointment" with him in his workshop (usually at 7pm). When he arrived at 7pm, the naughty were expected to already be there, waiting for him, completely naked. The river bank was only about 30 yards beyond the out-building that contained Dad's workshop, and if Dad had decided that some stripes with a dreaded river willow switch were necessary, he would immediately instruct the naughty child(ren) to go cut/fetch a switch. At least we didn't have to worry about getting our shoes wet in the river, since we were already naked (LOL). Dad had us drape our nude bodies over a saw horse or over his workbench, such that our bare asses were perfect targets for the tanning/thrashing that would adjust our attitudes and correct our misconduct.
My sisters and I attended the only protestant Christian schools in town. There were four schools on the same campus -- the primary school (pre-school, kindergarten, and 1st-2nd grades), the elementary school (3rd-6th grades), the junior high school (7-8th grades), and the high school (9th-12th grades -- a.k.a. freshman-sophomore-junior-senior).
Because unresticted "proper" scolastic corporal punishment was legal and the norm across the southern and southwestern United States, and these were private Chistian schools, "proper" (bared bottom) spankings were the ONLY kind of spankings administered. In the primary and elementary grades, each classroom had a cloak/locker room which was separated from the main part of the classroom by a 4-foot high half-wall. Each primary grade teacher had a spanking chair in this area, and a strap and a paddle hanging on the wall. A disciplinary appointment in the cloak room, where the other students could not see the puishment taking place (but, could hear everything), ALWAYS meant a bared bottom before bending over the teacher's lap or over the spanking chair. Occasionally, if a teacher wanted to make an example of a very naughty student, the child would be sent to the cloak room to fetch the paddle or strap and bring it to the teacher's desk at the front of the classroom, where the student's bottom would be bared and s/he would be bent over the desk. I remember once, when I was in 3rd grade, I was sitting at the front of my row (the teacher's desk was only about 5 feet directly in front of me), when a very naughty girl had to fetch the paddle. She had to bend over the desk, the teacher lifted up her uniform skirt onto the small of her back and lowered her panties in back (just far enough to bare her butt cheek sit-spots), and tanned her pale butt cheeks a very bright red-hot crimson!
In the junior high school and high school, proper corporal punishments were administered only by the PE coaches, inside the PE locker rooms. Any school staff member who felt that a corporal punishment was necessary, could issue a pink "punishment citation" to the naghty student. During PE attendance (the next time the student attended his/her PE class), the student had to present this "pink slip" to his/her PE coach. After class, in the boys' and/or girls' locker rooms, the coaches would be waiting outside the showering areas for students who had submitted puishment slips. These students were not even given a towel to dry off before being told to fetch the paddle, which was hanging on the wall in the showering dry-off area. The boy's and girl's locker rooms each had an old decommissioned gymnastics vaulting horse in the showering dry-off areas, for the purpose of positioning students' naked bodies for effective punishment on the buttocks. One end of the "punishment horse" was at the normal gymnastics height (~5 feet off the ground), but the other end was lowered down as far as possible (to ~2 feet off the ground). Basically, the top surface of the horse, which would usually be perfectly horizontal/level at ~5 feet above the floor, was at a ~45° angle to the floor. So, as a student was approaching the horse, s/he would have to spread his/her legs to straddle the horse, then lean forward to rest his/her abdomen/chest against the top surface of the horse (at a ~45° angle), then reach around the sides or top end of the horse (depending on the student's height) to grab handles which were attached to the sides and underneath. It was expected that a student, once in position, would keep the soles of his/her feet flat on the ground (legs spread around/over the horse) and not let go of the handles. Disobeying this rule would disqualify the preceding swat. And, students were required to count their swats outloud. So, for example, after 7 swats, if the student let go of a handle or lifted a foot off the ground, the student might say, "Seven Sir", but the coach would say, "That swat doesn't count. You are still waiting for number seven. Do you understand?" Other students in the locker room would watch the naughty students receive their puishments. I watched many bare butts pay the price for misconduct, and quite a few penises standing at attention before, during, and/or after locker room discipline.
I remember when I was the first boy in my 7th grade PE class to turn in a pink slip. After class and showering, when I exited the showering area, the coach was waiting for me. He pointed to the paddle hanging on the wall and said, "Fetch the paddle, John!" Then, he announced, "For all you 7th grade boys who haven't seen a junior high school paddling before, pay attention! This is P.E. class, not art class, but you will see that P.E. coaches do know how to paint naughty students' asses bright red!" As I walked over to fetch the paddle, then walked over to the coach, my penis went from flaccid to rock-hard. As I stood there, facing the coach, receiving my lecture, with all of the 7th grade boys watching, I was so embarrassed that I was hard. As I straddled the horse, speading my legs, my erect penis pressed against the padded surface of the horse, and each swat of the paddle caused a thrust of my pelvis and erect penis against the padded surface of the horse. The swats were as painful as my father's discipline, and I started cying after the second swat. But, after swat #4, the physical stimulation of the frenulum area of my erect penis was too much my 12.y.o self, and I orgasmed/ejaculated all over myself and the horse. After the 10th swat, I was flaccid again, and the coach sent me back into the showering area to clean myself AND required me to also clean up the horse before giving me a towel and allowing me to get dressed. I was SO embarrassed, but I was not alone for long. About two weeks later, I watched another boy with an erection "mount" the punishment horse and orgasm/ejaculate after his first swat.