I replied on this before but I’ll add that I have had my RT taken probably more as an adult than as a child.
So, there were many caregivers, the majority, females, and yes males too who did the procedure ; but to say who did it best? I can’t.
What I can say is I when I was having it taken , how any number of those taking my temperature, not always medical staff; ( friends, colonic and massage therapists) were those who often had commentary on what was being done.
To some the taking of another adult’s rectal temperature was a new experience which necessitated verbal encouragement and instruction then as they followed through expressed with their comments indicating it was a practice they did find interesting and they might do it in their areas of colonics or massage therapies. Then there were mostly medical staff who were no strangers to the routine, and they too had expressed their feelings about this method.
And call me s chauvinist if you must, but very often the female(s) taking my temperature were very attractive which was nice, too.
No, again, not able to pick one person.