OK, kinksters, here's a twist.
I have been having ongoing issues with things that may be stress-related or stress-augmented, such as IBS, hemorrhoids, pelvic pain, sleep issues, etc. I've been doing the deep breathing, visualization, exercise (well, until I hurt my knee and had surgery for something bigger than a torn meniscus I was running, now I'm not doing quite as intensive an exercise), and though I seem to be "chill" often I'm still having the physical issues (which could be partially related to ongoing pain, but anyway).
I was listening to a Pleasure Mechanics podcast titled "Spanking Your Wife." While I haven't been particularly interested in spanking my wife, they've had some interesting things on some of their podcasts so I listen to most of them even if the subject doesn't seem immediately grabbing. This one started to interest me when they started talking about stress relief from receiving a spanking.
I'm game to give it a try, but I'm looking for more info. What I've found is that it should be done in a comfortable position (I'm thinking my wife sitting on the bed, me lying on the bed over her lap), should start with massage and very gentle spanks, then ramp up slowly. There haven't been too many specific resources, so anyone here have experience with this? Pointers to tips? Most BDSM spanking stuff doesn't seem to deal with it in detail, and the "domestic discipline" stuff definitely isn't right.
This may or may not go anywhere, but I'm trying to get as much info as possible before bringing it up. My wife may be completely not interested - I know she has some friends who were physically abused, so it will likely be a hard sell at best.