How much of a cleanse do I need to do? Fleet enemas? Suppositories? Soapsuds enemas till clear? Full cleanse with laxatives, and enemas?
** For the sake of comfort and ease during the session, I usually do a quick cleanse with a 10 minute 1 quart salt water solution. just one teaspoon should be enough.**
Should I avoid caffeine for several hours before starting? Or use decaf the first time?
** Yes, I usually avoid caffeine because the enema does get you a bit wired, provided you don't hold it for too long. I hold it for 10 minutes from the time I've pulled the nozzle out. If I timed it from the moment the coffee starts flowing into me to the moment I expel, I'd say between 15-17 minutes have elapsed. I don't feel very wired afterwards, just awake.**
How long do I wait after the last cleanse enema, to make sure it's all out before doing the coffee?
** I usually wait until I've expelled everything or as much as I can in the moment. As you well know, when it comes to expelling, some days are better than others. Once I feel I'm empty enough I do the coffee enema.**
12 hour fast before the start like any other enema?
** 3-4 hours.. But this is a personal preference. Remember the enema is not to COMPLETELY clean out your system, it's just for detoxification**
How much should I dilute the coffee with water?
**I don't dilute it but some people do.**
Retention? should I try to go the usual 15 minutes? Less?
**Like I said before. If I would not go longer than 17 minutes form the time the enema starts flowing in you to the moment you expel.**
There seems to be a time when the caffeine hits the system suddenly. How quick would this be? Is there a sudden hot flash?
**The caffeine hits you almost immediately but you quickly get used to it**
Any personal experience based advice would be appreciated,
**My best advice would be to (aside from asking the many gurus here) watch some YouTube vids on the proper procedures and pick the one that suits you best. Some like to boil their coffee in a pot and filter it. Some like to use a brewing machine and add some baking soda. There are many different ways to do a coffee enema but if you're looking at it for strict detox reasons then the best method is pot boiling and filtering with a mesh filter. I tried this method and I found it VERY SOOTHING. OH!!!! ONE LAST THING! For the first few times PLEASE don't obsess over the whole organic thing.... Just try it with Folgers or Maxwell house or whatever. As long as it's regular grind and CAFFEINATED, it should work. Yes Organic may be better but remember that you're just trying it to see if you like it. Once you've decided that it's the way you want to go, sure, take the plunge and go organic if you feel it will make a difference.**
Good luck and welcome to the dark side.