Army MEPS Exam...
I always wanted to incorporate the following exercises (taken from an actual Army MEPS exam) in a play scenario where a female is joining the army and has to complete a mandatory physical (the exercises are done in bra and panties, but you could pretend to do it nude during a 1:1 physical in order to "expedite" the exam):
Physical Exercises
We changed back into our underwear for this part. We lined up along one side of the room and did as they female told us to while the doctor watched. Um, memory is a little hazy so I might not remember everything, and the order we did them is probably off. But here is the ones I do remember.
1) First was some hand movements. Elbows at 90 degrees so the arm below elbow is parallel with floor. Keeping the arms still with elbows against your body you do the following stuff: open and close your hand, move the hand up and down, side to side, rotate in a circular fashion, touch your fingers to your thumb, etc.
2) Turn around to face the wall and you bend one knee so you can grab the ankle with your hand. Can't use the wall to balance yourself. Doc walks down the row looking at the bottom of your foot. And you do the same thing for the other side.
3) Walk on your heels a few paces. And walk on your toes a few paces.
4) Swing your arms like a windmill, start by making an 'A' over your head and swing them behind you. If your going too slow they'll tell you to go faster.
5) Stand with feet together and arms pointed straight out in front of you. Hands flat, palms against each other. As you swing your arms open (like the chick on titanic), you go up on your toes.
6) Have arms straight up, like your reaching for the sky, then you bring them down to your sides quickly, but stop without slapping your sides.
7) Starting with the right foot, stand on the left and lift your right foot so your knee is slightly bent. Rotate foot at the ankle. Then point toes up, down, clench toes like a 'fist'. Then you'll bend your knee some more and have your toes pointed up, ankle down. They'll have you kick towards the front but you don't touch the ground. So keep balancing on that left foot. Then you lift the right foot up again, toes still up, and kick towards the back, again not touching the ground.
And you do the same stuff with the other foot.
😎 You're going do some squats with your hands on your hips.
9) Walk on your knees.
10) One by one you duck walk. We could either have our hands on our hips or our knees. You're in the squatting position and while keeping your butt down you step, making sure to do heel to toe. You duck walk about five paces out, then back. You can't be 'cute' when you're doing the duck walk, so just get those knees apart and waddle across the floor in a most unflattering manner like everyone else, lol. And take your time.
11) Back in the squatting position, hands on your hips, and thighs pressed together, one at a time you drop to your knees. You need both knees to slap the floor at the same time.
12) Last thing we did was do a fast walk from one side of the room to the other. Most of the girls were fine. But with one girl and myself the lady pointed out to the doc that we walked with one shoulder lower than the other. The doc didn't seem worried about it though. So I 'passed' my physical.