When I was a young strong adult , I often play with a dildo who was 7" long and have a diameter of 1.75" or a circumference of 5.5" . It looks like my shaft , after several kinky and naughty exercises I showed it fully inside once , trying during another fantasy session I can't do it , so I agree with my body some rules who are :
sometimes it goes in with pleasure , sometimes it stay blocked , and I have to enjoy with what my body let me do . The same rule for enemas , I reached more than 4 quarts and asked for more , so good so incredible good , but other times one bulb is TOO MUCH , follow your feelings , and never forget that pain is a waring .
A peeled cumcumber is auto lubrifiant !
Use enough lube inside your rectum and colon , you clean them after this action they lost their slippery .
KY or J-Lube(cheaper)or Bag Balm are good stuf .
Before to make a marathon , you have to run shorter distances , before to run you have to learn to walk , before to walk you must stand up , before you have to stay on your four , and before you have to can roll from belly to back and reverse !
Never forget two steps with the same foot are not possible without to fall .
Go slow , go lubed , go painless , enjoy sensuality