I really don't think it makes any difference whatsoever.
Some guys are big and some small, it really doesn't affect if you are submissive.
As the old saying goes regarding small or large, it really is what you do with it, not the size.
I also was very small, this obviously suited me, as I have hated it all my life and really desperately want to get rid of it.
However, for me as a former sex worker, having a penis was actually beneficial for getting bookings. Guys generally preferred pre op to post op. I guess that is what they want, as if they wanted a complete woman, they would have booked a genetic woman.
Although I hated my penis, it was my way to make money, and of being able to live comfortably.
Being small made it easy to tuck away and hide. Tucked and taped away meant I could wear lingerie and swimwear without any problems, and my genetalia undetected, as long as nobody interfered with me, and I tucked and taped it away properly again after each visit to the toilet.
The female hormones I take, helps to keep it small and generally I never get erections.
As a sex worker I would have occasional spells where I reduced or didn't take my tablets, to try and keep a little bit of life in it.
Again clients liked this on agency bookings, and I made sure that I kept things completely in control and never got erections without a massive amount of time and work, and even if I did it remained small and virtually useless to anyone, other than for me to pee with.